The gram is one of the most commonly used units of measurement, but the number of products that weigh exactly half a gram is smaller “g” is short for gram
After some research, I came up with a list of items that weigh half a gram
Pumpkin Seed Flower Seed Wheat Wheat Kernel Insect Housefly Packet Silica Gel 25 carat Diamond Component Wrist Watch
Pumpkin Seed
1 ounce of pumpkin seeds contains 84 seeds weighing 28 grams
By simple calculation, 1 pumpkin seed will weigh about 04 grams
Toss cauliflower seeds with olive oil, salt and garlic powder, then roast over medium heat (350°F) for 12 to 15 minutes
Sunflower Seed
One serving of 266 sunflower seeds is 133 grams
If you calculate the weight of a sunflower seed, you will see that it is about 05 grams
According to Healthlinecom, sunflower seeds are a healthy and nutritious food
With an average seed weight of 35 mg, 28,571 seeds are planted per kilogram of seed
If the seed weight of a variety is 45 mg, then there are only 22,222 seeds per kilogram of seed planted
Usually, peas weigh between 01 and 036 grams
The weight of green lentils is 1819 grams per 100 seeds and their diameter is 7585 mm
Yellow onions are slightly larger than green onions, averaging 8090 mm in diameter and weighing 2021 grams per 100 seeds
The weight of one kernel is between 02 and 05 grams, depending on the variety
The dogs are only 23 mm long and weigh less than 1 gram
Fleas are a common problem for pets, especially cats and dogs
Home keys are a common problem found all over the world
Packets of Silica Gel
Silica gel or silicon dioxide (SiO2) is often found in daily life in a small paper package as beads
One small packet of silica gel, which you can get on Amazon, weighs about half a gram
One of the truths is “expensive” According to Diamondseinfo, diamonds weighing 300 to 399 ct (carat) fetch $16,158/carat
If you ever take a watch apart, you’ll find that there are dozens of different components, all of which are small
These components are lightweight, with some weighing as little as half a gram