Rank Keyboard Size Price1RK Royal Kladge RK918 Where to buy 7 x 1.5”$23.98Amazon4Retro Classic Bluetooth17.9 x 5.8 x 1.6”$219.99 AZIO5Retro Classic USB17.9 x 5.8 x 1.6”$189.99AZIO6Macally Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard17.6 x 6.3 x 1.6” .06”$49.99Amazon7ALBA Large Print Keyboard.17.6 x50 8Cougar Keyboard VANTAR 17.52 x 5.2 x 0.79”$47.02Newegg9Corsair Gaming K70 17.2 x 6.50 x 1.50”$199.46Newegg10RYMEK Typewriter Style 15.87 x 8.86 x 3.86”$189.99Amazon11 True Compact Keyboard (RCK) 12.62 x 199.469 x 1.7 Q 1.72 x 9.5 . Restless Keyboard12.6 x 6.2 x 1.9”$229.99AZIO13IZO Wireless Keyboard12.6 x 5.8 x 1.7 $139.99AZIO14Apple Magic Keyboard 11.5 x 9.41 x 0.87”$350.00Amazon15Microsoft Surface Pro Signature 10.01 x 12.53 x 0.7 ”$149.10Amazon160Amazon. ” $21.99 at Amazon
Analysis of the largest keyboards
Image Sources: Amazon
Alas, we have compiled 16 of the greatest keyboards!
Introducing our first place winner is the RK ROYAL KLUDGE RK918, 19 x 6.8 x 2.5” priced at $43.99.
Keyboards for the visually impaired are also included; They are found in positions 2 and 7.
The top bid in this rank is the 14th place Apple Magic Keyboard at 11.5 x 9.41 x 0.87” at $350.00.
For an affordable, great-quality large keyboard, our 16th-place finisher, the Amazon Fire HD 10, is a great deal for you!
For $21.99, you already have a 9.6 x 5.9 x 0.2” keyboard!
https://www.newegg.com/p/pl?d=large+keyboard https://aziocorp.com/collections/keyboard