“5 Heaviest Babies Born in the World – He

From cute clothes to cute baby socks and hats, everything for new babies is cheap

However, not all babies fit into the youthful, skimpy clothes you find in baby stores–some newborns surprise their parents and doctors with their size

While the babies on this list are still cute, they are few and far between!

Today we take a look at the 5 biggest babies born in the world and learn a little about the circumstances behind their amazing births

Baby Cathleen Abels

Baby Name: Chesner

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Source: e-wikiorg

However, to her surprise in the delivery room, she found herself giving birth to a single, very small baby!

Cathleen was described by the nursing staff as the largest baby in the hospital’s history of births

Cathleen described her family as “big people,” but was still surprised by the size of her newborn daughter

Francisca dos Santos’ Baby

Baby Name: Ademilton

Location: Salvador, Brazil

Source: cronicadexalapacom

Weighing in at twice the average size of a newborn baby, Francisca dos Santos’ son took the title of Brazil’s heaviest baby

This huge baby is Francisca’s fifth baby, and was born via c-section

However, the reasons for the little boy’s size stemmed from his mother’s diabetes

The doctors said that when Francisca’s baby was born, she was the same size as a six-month-old baby!

Tatyana Khalina’s baby

Baby Name: Nadezhda

Duration: Unknown

Duration: Unknown

Location: Altai, Siberia

Source: flickrcom

Having eight daughters and three sons, Tatyana Khalina was always surprised by the size of her new daughter

Mother and daughter were lucky to have a smooth and healthy birth, with medical staff confirming that little Nadezhda is fine and growing well

Ani and Muhammad Hasanuddin’s Baby

Weight: 19 pounds 2 ounces

Weight: 19 pounds 2 ounces

Weight: 19 pounds 2 ounces

Location: Kisaran Sumatra

Source: cbsnewscom

At the age of 41, her son was born in a 40-minute c-section

Despite the problem of the size of the baby, caused by the excess sugar from his diabetes, the mother and the child came out of the experience of good health

Baby Akbar’s two younger brothers were also on the big side, but he downplayed them by comparison and impressed his parents with his figure

While enjoying the good health of the baby and the mother, he always thought “I hope I can feed the baby, because he needs more milk than others” baby “

Baby Anna Bates

Weight: 22 pounds

Weight: 22 pounds

Baby Name: Just Named “Baby”

Length: 28 inches

Length: 28 inches

Length: 28 inches

Location: Canada

Source: wikimediaorg

Baby Anna Bates is the biggest baby ever born

The birth of their son soon broke the Guinness World Record for the heaviest birth

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