6 Largest Goldfish in the World – Largest

Goldfish are a special type of domesticated carp bred primarily for the purpose of providing people with easy and reassuring pets to keep in their home or backyard pond

While other varieties of carp can grow to staggering sizes, in this list we will be focusing specifically on the smaller variety of domesticated goldfish

Goldfish are said to grow to suit their environment, reaching astonishing sizes when released into the wild or kept in especially large enclosures

Today we’ll be taking a look at 6 of the largest goldfish recorded in the world, as well as several intriguing honorable mentions

Location: Dongguan, China

Source: wikimediaorg

This charmingly pudgy specimen was bred by two fish farming brothers Jackie and Louis Chan from Hong Kong

After diligently breeding Red Oranda goldfish with the aim of landing a place in the Guinness Book of World Records, they ended up with Bruce, whose size has been compared to that of a house cat

The Chan brothers’ fish farm is one of the largest in China, and they have bred more than 100 varieties of goldfish

Source: mirrorcouk

Goldie the Goldfish is not only impressive in size – he has reached the ripe old age of 15 years

His owner, 83-year-old widow Ada Shaw, takes great care of him as her only companion since his tank mate died

When Ada first bought Goldie from a local pet store, he was only an inch long!

Goldfish by Mike Martin

Location: Lake St Clair, Michigan

Source: nydailynewscom

When fishing enthusiast Mike Martin felt a tug on the end of his line, he first thought he had landed a large perch

After 20 years of fishing experience, Mike had seen many rogue goldfish, but never expected to catch one

He called his father after picking up this prize specimen, who told him to put it in a bucket and take it home

Mike contacted the DNR to see what the state record for largest goldfish was, but did not hear back

Since it was probably the only specimen of its kind he would catch, Mike made plans to have it mounted on his wall

The “Monster Goldfish” of Lake Tahoe

Location: Lake Tahoe

Source: Heather Segale, scientificamericancom

When scientific researchers were sampling the waters of Lake Tahoe in a routine check for invasive species, they discovered goldfish specimens of astonishing size

About 15 of these monstrously large goldfish were discovered schooling in a corner of the lake, which suggested that they were procreating

This was cause for concern, as goldfish are an invasive species in Lake Tahoe and are causing damage to the ecosystem

Because of the damage that invasive species can cause to local ecosystems, introducing an invasive species into Lake Tahoe can result in fines of up to $5,000

Billy the Goldfish

Location: Dorset Lake, Surrey, England

Source: bbccom

The impressive gold that Nick Richards caught in Dorset Lake was previously believed to be the largest goldfish in Great Britain

Nick was originally fishing for common carp, but noticed an unusual bright orange flash and cast his line

At first he still thought he might have caught an exceptionally large carp, but closer inspection revealed that his catch was an overgrown goldfish that had probably once been a pet

After Billy the Goldfish was adequately photographed and measured, Nick kindly released him back into the lake immediately

During a later fishing trip, Nick may find that Billy got even bigger!

Goldfish by Lois Chilvers

Weight: 5 pounds 4 ounces

Location: Kent, England

Location: Kent, England

Date Discovered: 2017

Date Discovered: 2017

Date Discovered: 2017

Source: anglersmailcouk

The goldfish caught by Lois Chilvers is the largest goldfish in the world

While not officially recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records, the goldfish that this proud 10-year-old boy caught broke the record for the largest goldfish caught in the United Kingdom

Lois caught her prize specimens at Chase Lakes during a fishing weekend with her father Gary

The two massive goldfish that Lois caught were believed to be former pets that grew too big for their tanks and ended up being released into the wild

While little information is available about these impressive goldfish specimens other than the data provided by the Guinness Book of World Records, they certainly deserve a place on this list as the latest official record holders

Weight: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Date Discovered: March 24, 2003

Joris Gijsbers had a goldfish that holds the Guinness World Record for the longest goldfish

Fantail and Comet Goldfish by Paul Schafer

Weight: 2 pounds

Weight: 2 pounds

Weight: 2 pounds

Weight: 2 pounds

Weight: 2 pounds

Date Discovered: October 1997

While larger specimens have since been caught, Paul Schafer boasts the verified Guinness World Record for Largest Goldfish for his Fantail and Komita

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