“9 Largest Flying Animals in the World – Larg

These birds have evolved over the years to have short, useless wings, which cannot withstand birds, such as the Ostrich or the Emu or the Rhea.

But what about midplanes—planes that transcend the limits of gravity and yet defy gravity?

These birds are there—big and unruly and with straight wings that put a human’s height to shame.

All over the world, large birds, which regularly fly in the sky and sea: eagles, bustards, swans, and more.

These birds are heavy, between 22-44 pounds.

Despite their weight and the constant force of gravity, these heavy birds look for ways to escape.

These are the 11 heaviest flying birds in the world!

1. Great Bustard (Otis tarda)

Part: Bustard Family (related to Cranes and Rails) Weight: 18-44 pounds / 8-20 kg Wingspan Height: Males 7-8 feet / 210-250 centimeters Found: Europe and Central Asia

The Great Bustard of Europe and Central Asia takes the 1st place as the heaviest bird in the world.

With a maximum weight of 44 lbs, these birds attract the attention of ornithologists who have found that the Great Bustard is capable of migrating over 2,000 miles.

The Great Bustard can be found in habitats such as grasslands or grasslands.

During mating, the male Great Bustard boasts a brighter color and finer and longer feathers around his mouth, suggesting a mustache or moustache!

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Part: Bustard Family (related to Cranes and Rails) Weight: 24-42 pounds/11-19 kg Wingspan Length: Males 7.5-9 feet/230-275 centimeters Found in: East and Southern Africa

Africa is home to the world’s largest flightless bird species—the ostrich.

But it may also be home to the largest flying bird species—the Kori Bustard!

Although many credit the Great Bustard of Europe and Central Asia with being the largest flying bird, the Kori Bustard’s size is largely comparable to its distant Eurasian relative.

Kori Bustard live in the African plains and savannah, eating plants, fruits, snakes and lizards.

3. Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps)

Part: Bustard Family (related to Cranes and Rails) Weight: 13-40 pounds / 6-18 kg Wingspan: Males 7-8 feet / 210-250 cm Found: in small quantities in the Indian subcontinent

The Great Indian Bustard is the third largest flying bird alive today.

With only 200 birds left worldwide, it is important that conservationists work to protect these rare animals.

Like its distant relatives, the Great Indian Bustard makes its home in the middle plains of the Indian subcontinent, eating a scavenger diet fit for a bird of its size.

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4. Trumpeter Swan (Olor buccinator)

Section: Waterfowl Subfamily Anatidae (related to geese) Weight: 21-38 pounds/9.5-17 kg Wingspan: Males 6.6 feet/203 centimeters Found in: North America

Trumpeter Swans are large migratory waterfowl that spend the summer in Alaska and Western Canada and winter in the southern United States. These beautiful, snow-white birds form strong bonds with their mates and will often remain faithful until one of the pair dies.

The Trumpeter Swan is the largest waterfowl in North America.

The Trumpeter Swan needs a running start; at the same time beating his wings and kicking his feet on the water, to gain enough speed to ensure take off.

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5. Mute Swan (Cygnas olor)

Section: Waterfowl Subfamily Anatidae (related to ducks and geese) Weight: 22-31.5 pounds/10-14.3 kg Wingspan Length: Males 6.8-7.8 feet/207-237 centimeters Found: in the Northern Hemisphere (North America, Europe, Asia)

Mute swans can be found in North America, however this white bird is not native to America.

The native species of the Mute Swan are found in Europe and Asia.

The male Mute Swan is unique in that during the mating season the black knob on the top of his beak grows larger, making it one of the easiest ways to tell the sex apart.

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6. Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus)

Part: Waterfowl Subfamily Anatidae (related to Ducks and Geese) Weight: 16.3-30.8 lbs/7.4-14 kg Wingspan: 6.6-9 feet/200-275 cm Found in: Europe, Central and Northern Asia.

The Whooper Swan is another Eurasian bird, which migrates widely between its summer and winter homes.

Some Whooper Swans have even made a home in North America, but only on the West Coast.

These birds established themselves in America by flying as far as the Bering Sea.

Unlike their counterparts, the Mute Swan, Whooper Swans lack the black tuft above their beak.

Also read: 12 Tips on How to Keep Flocks Away from Bird Feeders

7. Andean condor (Vultur gryphus)

Part: Family Cathartidae (New World Eagles) Weight: Up to 30 pounds / Up to 13.6 kilograms Wingspan Length: 10 feet / 305 centimeters Found in: South America, mainly in the Andes Mountains

The Andean Condor lives high in the Andes Mountains.

One reason the birds prefer high cliffs is that it is easier for their large wings to catch the warm rising air, allowing the bird to fly with less effort.

The Andean Condor may not have the widest wingspan but its wingspan has the highest surface area.

Part: Family Pelecaniformes, medium to large seabirds Weight: 23.5-29 pounds/10.5-13 kg Wingspan: 10.1-11.3 feet/ 310-345 cm Found in: Europe and Asia

The Dalmatian pelican is the largest pelican in the Pelecaniformes family.

These birds have large wingspans that can reach 11 feet.

9. Cinereous Eagle or Eurasian Black Eagle (Aegypius monachus)

Part: Old World Eagle Weight: 15-27.5 pounds/7-12.5 kg Wingspan: 8-10 feet/250-295 cm Found in: Europe and Asia

The Cinereous vulture is the second largest bird of prey, after the Andean condor.

These eagles can be found in Europe and Asia.

This widespread problem has caused destruction to many communities of eagles and other birds of prey.

Section: Old World Eagle Weight: 18-26 pounds/8-12 kg Wingspan: 9-10 feet/270-300cm Found: only within Central Asia, mainly the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau.

The Himalayan vulture is a great high-flyer.

This bird is often seen flying 5,000 meters above sea level among the high mountains that are home to the highest peaks in the world.

The large birds use their large wings and warm air sacs to soar with little effort.

These birds do not migrate in a typical North-South or South-North pattern.

Part: Family Diomedeidae, which includes large seabirds Weight: Up to 22 pounds/10 kg Wingspan: Males 8.2-11.8 feet/250-360 centimeters Found: in all oceans of the Southern Hemisphere

The Wandering Albatross is a very strange bird.

This incredible bird is last on our list, coming in at 22 pounds.

The real interesting feature of this bird is its wings.

The Wandering Albatross has a huge wingspan of 11-12 feet, which helps it glide effortlessly for hours!

It may be hard to believe but some of the largest living birds overall (by weight) in the world can fly.

All flying birds on this list can reach at least 26 pounds, with the largest weighing over 40 pounds!

In addition to being some of the heaviest birds in the world, many of the birds on this list have some of the largest wingspans in the world.

Source: Wikimedia Commons via JJ Harrison

While the Wandering Albatross may not be the largest bird on this list by weight, it is known for having the largest wingspan of any living bird.

The Wandering Albatross ranges in size from 13.2 – 26.5 pounds (6 – 12 kg) and has an average length of 10 ft 2 in (3.1 m).

The Wandering Albatross is an endangered species and there are estimated to be between 25,000 – 26,000 adults left in the wild.

Eurasian Black Eagle

Range: throughout southern Europe and Asia from Spain to Korea

Source: Wikimedia Commons via Sebastian Wallroth

The Eurasian Black Eagle (also called the Cinereous Eagle, Black Eagle, or Monk Eagle) is the second largest bird in the world, after the Andean Condor.

Unlike the other large flying birds on this list, female Eurasian Black Eagles are larger than males.

Female Eurasian Black Vultures can range in size from 17 – 31 pounds (7.5 – 14 kg), while males weigh 14 – 25 pounds (6.3 – 11.5 kg).

As its name suggests, the Eurasian Black Eagle is native to parts of Europe and Asia.

The Eurasian Black Vulture is in decline and is listed as a Near Threatened species on the IUCN Red List.

The Eurasian Black Eagle has a special hemoglobin that allows it to take in oxygen efficiently while flying at high altitudes.

The Whooper Swan

Distribution: Southern Europe and East Asia

Source: Wikimedia Commons via DickDaniels

The Whooper Swan is closely related to the Trumpeter Swan of North America.

However, the Whooper Swan is not very large with adults weighing between 16 – 31 lbs (7.4 – 14 kg).

Whooper swans are native to southern Europe and eastern Asia.

Sometimes Whooper Swans migrate to western Alaska.

Whooper swans come to the UK from Iceland during the winter months and nest in river mouths and wetlands.

When returning home in the spring, Whooper Swans will fly non-stop from England back to Iceland.

Type: In the Andes of South America

Scientific Name: Vulture gryphus

The Andean Condor is the largest bird of prey in the world with males weighing up to 33 lbs (15 kg).

Besides being very heavy, Andean Condors have one of the widest wingspans, ranging from 8 ft 10 to 10 ft 6 in (2.7 – 3.2 m).

As their name suggests, Andes Condors are native to the Andes Mountains in South America.

The Andean condor was added to the Endangered Species List in 1973, but has made a slight comeback through conservation efforts.

The Andean Condor is one of the longest living birds in the world and lives between 60 – 100 years.

Distribution: southeastern Europe and east-central Asia

Source: Wikimedia Commons via Alexandru Panoiu

Although some pelicans and swans can be large, on average the Dalmatian Pelican is considered the largest/heaviest bird in the world both male and female.

Adult Dalmatian pelicans weigh between 16 – 33.1 lbs (7.25 – 15 kg) and have a wingspan of 8 ft – 11 ft 6 in (2.45 – 3.51 m).

Dalmatian Pelicans breed throughout southeastern Europe through east-central Asia.

Like other species of pelicans, the population of the Dalmatian Pelican has declined over the years and the IUCN Red List considers the Dalmatian Pelican to be Endangered.

Dalmatian Pelicans stay with the same mate for the breeding season, not for life.

Silence the Swan

Distribution: Temperate Europe to western Asia; migrates south to North Africa and the Mediterranean Sea

Source: Wikimedia Commons via Trachemys

The Mute Swan is one of the largest waterfowl in the world with males weighing up to 32 lbs (14.3 kg).

Mute Swans are considered the second largest species after the Trumpeter Swan.

In addition to being quite heavy, mute swans have wingspans ranging from 79 – 94 in (2 – 2.4 in).

Although Mute Swans are common in North America, they are not native to the region and actually come from Europe.

In fact, all Mute Swans in North America are descended from swans brought from Europe in the mid-1800s to early 1900s.

Trumpeter Swan

Source: Wikimedia Commons via Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren

The Trumpeter Swan is the largest flying bird native to North America and the largest waterfowl in the world.

Adult Trumpeter Swans often weigh at least 20 lbs (9.07 kg) and males can reach over 30 lbs (13.6 kg).

Trumpeter swans are not only heavy, they also have a large wingspan from 6 ft 1 to 8 ft 2 in (1.85 – 2.5 m).

Originally, Trumpeter Swans lived in North America, but their numbers dwindled as more people settled across the continent.

Today, Trumpeter Swans are found in remote parts of Alaska, Canada, and the northwestern United States.

Since Trumpeter Swans are so large, they need at least 100 meters (328.1 ft) of space to fly.

Corey Bustard

Range: Southern Africa; common in Botswana, Namibia, southern Angola, and southwestern Zambia

Scientific Name: Ardeotis kori

Source: Wikimedia Commons via Nevit Dilmen

Behind the Great Bustard in size, is the related Kori Bustard, which is native to southern Africa.

Male Kori Bustards can weigh between 24 – 42 lbs (11 – 19 kg) and female Kori Bustards are about half that size.

The Kori Bustard is Africa’s heaviest flying bird.

Although Kori Bustards can fly, due to their large size, they prefer to stay on the ground.

Kori Bustards only fly when in serious danger.

During mating season, male Kori Bustards can distend their esophagus up to four times its normal size.

Great Bustard

Weight: Men-13 – 44 lbs (5.8 – 19.96 kg); Women – 6.8 – 17.6 pounds (3.1 – 8 kg)

Weight: Men-13 – 44 lbs (5.8 – 19.96 kg); Women – 6.8 – 17.6 pounds (3.1 – 8 kg)

Weight: Men-13 – 44 lbs (5.8 – 19.96 kg); Women – 6.8 – 17.6 pounds (3.1 – 8 kg)

Weight: Men-13 – 44 lbs (5.8 – 19.96 kg); Women – 6.8 – 17.6 pounds (3.1 – 8 kg)

Weight: Men-13 – 44 lbs (5.8 – 19.96 kg); Women – 6.8 – 17.6 pounds (3.1 – 8 kg)

Weight: Men-13 – 44 lbs (5.8 – 19.96 kg); Women – 6.8 – 17.6 pounds (3.1 – 8 kg)

range: across Europe; more than half in Spain; subspecies in Asia

The Great Bustard is the largest flying bird in the world with males weighing over 40 pounds (18 kg).

The heaviest male Great Bustard ever recorded was 46 pounds (21 kg)!

While male Bustards are large, females are about 30 – 50% smaller.

Great Bustards are native to Europe and there is an unknown subspecies in Asia as well.

Unfortunately, the Great Bustard is listed as an endangered species and its numbers have declined in many countries.

The Great Bustard originated in England, but was wiped out in the 1830s by trophy hunters.

However, the British Great Bustard population has recovered slightly in recent years.

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