When you work hard to eat, losing a stone (14lb) in weight is a very encouraging sign
Units of weight can be difficult to understand based on how much you see, so just for fun, I’ve put together this article to help you compare your weight loss to some food and drink items of every day
A stone is a unit of weight commonly used in the UK, and one that has been used throughout the years as a measure of weight loss
Losing a stone is a big achievement and milestone in the weight loss journey and you will lose many pounds to reach your desired level
A fat blocker, lard is used to balance weight and fat loss
A block of supermarket lard weighs 250g (88oz), so one stone equals 254 blocks in total
Weight Loss Equal weight in lard (250g block) Half stone127 block One stone254 block Two Stone508 block Three Stone762 block Four Stone1016 block Five Stone127 block
Use the table below for other flour-to-weight conversions:
Weight Loss Weight equal to flour (15kg bag)Half stone21 bagOne stone42 bagTwo Stone85 bagThree Stone127 bagFour Stone169 bagFive Stone212 bag
Although sizes vary, the average 330ml fizzy drink can weigh around 355g/125oz (including the can)
In this image there are just under 18 bottles of bitters in the stone
For more drinkable to weight loss changes see the table below:
Weight Loss Equal weight in cans of soft drink Half a stone 89 cans One stone 18 cans Two stone 358 cans Three stone 537 cans Four stone 715 cans Five stone 894 cans
Assuming a bag of sugar weighs 1kg (22lb), one stone weighs 64 bags of sugar
See the table below for other diabetes-to-weight conversions:
Weight Loss Equal weight in bags of sugar Half a stone 32 bags One stone 64 bags Two Stones 127 bags Three Stones 19 bags Four Stones 254 bags Five Stones 318 bags
You’ve heard of the beer belly, so why not compare weight loss to beer cans?
I weighed an unopened bottle of beer (including the bottle) and the total weight was 527g/186oz, which means 12 bottles of beer in a stone
Use the table below for additional bottle-to-weight conversions:
Weight Loss Equivalent weight in beer bottles Half a stone6 bottleOne stone12 bottleTwo Stone24 bottleThree Stone36 bottleFour Stone48 bottleFive Stone60 bottle
When you think of junk food, a bag comes to mind, what better than the famous Mcdonald’s Big Mac An average Big Mac weighs around 240g, meaning there are 26 Big Macs in a stone
Use the table below to see other Big Mac to weight loss recipes:
Weight Loss Weight equivalent in Big Mac’sHalf a stone13 burgersOne stone26 burgersTwo Stone53 burgersThree Stone79 burgersFur Stone106 burgersRive Stone132 burgers
7 – The size of the clock in the stone is 33
Assuming 190 grams (67oz) per clock, the stone contains approximately 33 grains
For more clock changes to weight loss, see the chart below:
Weight Loss Weighs as much as an orange Half a stone17 One stone33 Two stone67 Three stone100 Four stone134 Five stone167
For chocolatiers who have had to cut out their favorite sweets, comparing a stone by weight to Mars Bars makes all the difference
A standard Standard Bar weighs 51g/18oz, meaning the stone weighs 1245 bars
For more Mars Bar to weight loss changes, check out the chart below:
Weight Loss Same weight as Mars Bars Half a stone623 bars One stone1245 bars Two Stones249 bars Three Stones3735 bars Four Stones498 bars Five Stones6225 bars
An average 12-inch (dining plate size) thin crust pizza weighs about 330 grams (116oz)
Based on the size of the pizza weighing 330 grams, there are about 19 pizzas in a stone
For other pizza-to-weight conversions, see the table below:
Weight Loss Equal weight in a pizza Half a stone96 pizzasOne stone19 pizzasTwo Stone385 pizzasThree Stone577 pizzasFour Stone77 pizzasFive Stone96 pizzas
An average sugar cube weighs 4g (014oz), which means there are 15875 sugar cubes in the stone
See the table below for other sugar block to weight loss changes:
Weight Loss Equal weight in ice cubes Half a stone794 One stone15875 Two stone3175 Three stone47625 Four stone6350 Five stone79375
It’s like that
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Model to compare weight loss with sugar
If you are trying to lose weight, then you will be very motivated to see how much weight you have lost
I look at this and think “Did I miss what????” A few years ago I lost 100lbs, which is about the weight of a 2 month old horse