Here are 10 everyday objects that weigh a ton!

A ton is equal to 2000 pounds 907185 kilograms

But instead of lifting heavy objects, you can use the links below to find out what weighs 2000 pounds

It’s a saltwater crocodile that typically grows up to 17 feet long and weighs a staggering 1,000 pounds

However, if you ever get the chance to meet one of the larger versions of the saltwater crocodile, it can be over 20 feet long and weigh over a ton!

Do not approach this animal because its jaws create a pressure of 5,000 pounds (25 tons) per square inch

The standard weight of gold bars is 400 troy ounces (4389 ounces), so you would need more than 73 bars to reach a ton

Gold is currently valued at $1,84645 per troy ounce, so a ton of gold would be worth about $538 million

Also, pigs can grow into huge creatures!

Left to its own devices, a pig can grow up to 700 pounds

In pig farms, they can grow up to 1,000 pounds

The largest pig that ever existed, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, was Big Bill, who was 9 feet long and weighed 2,552 pounds

If you’re looking for an alternative fuel to heat your winter cabin, you should probably consider wood pellets

Wood pellets are traditionally sold in 40-pound or 50-pound bags, so 1 ton would require 40-50 of them

Coincidentally, some suppliers sell packed pellets on a 1 ton pallet

Each bag should last for 24 hours, so a ton of pellets will keep your cabin warm for about half the winter

The US has the 9th largest oil reserves and is the largest oil consumer on the planet at around 7 million barrels

One barrel can hold 42 gallons of oil, which means we use about 294 million barrels gallons of oil more than the second largest consumer, China

With each gallon of oil weighing 681 pounds, a barrel would weigh about 286 pounds

Including the weight of the barrel, this is approximately 300 pounds

So 7 full barrels of oil will put you about 100 pounds over the 2 ton limit

The original bell weighed 2,080 pounds

When the bell was rebuilt, it weighed 13,000 pounds, with each 1,000 pounds representing each of the original colonies

Mixing it with water and aggregates such as sand and gravel creates a pourable mix that hardens to become concrete

Cement is typically sold in 94-pound bags that can be mixed to make up to 4 to 45 cubic feet of concrete

Make sure you wear the right PPE when working with cement and concrete

Half a cubic yard of concrete

Speaking of concrete, have you ever wondered how much it weighs?

The actual mass number varies from slab to slab, mainly depending on what type of aggregate was used in the mix

On average, a cubic yard of concrete slab (3 × 3 × 3 feet) will weigh north of 4,000 pounds

Since one 98-pound bag of cement will make up to 45 cubic feet of concrete, that means you’ll need about 6 bags to make a cubic yard

This is why things like apples, grains, and corn are measured by the bushel

The weight of a bushel of corn will depend on its condition

A whole ear of corn will weigh 70 pounds, so you’ll need 286 bushels to reach a ton

in 2021 American farmers managed to grow 151 billion bushels of corn (5285 million tons), which is 7% more than last year

At the other end of the size spectrum, we have English Mastiffs, which can grow to be 2 feet 6 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh up to 230 pounds at just 2 years old

As big as they are, most English Mastiffs are actually quite shy, but their ancestors certainly weren’t that shy

The pot you’re all standing next to usually holds 5 gallons of water

When a gallon of water weighs 83 pounds, a 5-gallon jug weighs at least 415 pounds

All you need is 48 jugs for a total weight of 1 ton

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