Boneless animals make up more than 95% of the living things on the planet.
The vast majority of these are insects, but invertebrates are found everywhere; in the air, on land and in the water.
Boneless animals come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, from microscopic organisms to giant squid.
Their variations also provide interesting feeding, breeding, and general survival mechanisms.
The list corresponds to 11 boneless animals:
List of Boned AnimalsBumblebeesSpidersAntsButterfliesWormsSnailsJellyfishOctopusCrabsScorpionsLobstersIn Summary on Boneless Animals
List of boneless animals
Scientific name – Bombus
Habitat – High altitude temperate regions
The first species on our list of boneless animals are bumblebees.
Physically, the bumblebee is the largest of the bee family.
There are over 250 species, and most of them are found at temperate elevations, mostly in northern hemisphere countries.
Bumblebees live in colonies smaller than honey bees.
Some species build seasonal nests as they cannot survive the winter, while others, like the cuckoo bumblebee, do not build their own nest.
The female invades an existing nest, kills the queen and takes over, leaving the worker bees on her service.
Scientific name – Araneae
habitat – land
Another boneless animal is the spider.
There are around 45,000 species of spiders on all continents worldwide.
Most spiders produce more than one type of web, varying in strength and elongation, used for different purposes.
Some spiders are poisonous, others are not.
Venom spiders primarily use their venom to paralyze their prey and defend themselves, but some species, like the funnel-web spider, are so venomous that a single bite can kill a human in 15 minutes!
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Scientific name – Formicidae
Habitat – soil, subsoil, trees, plants
Ants are perhaps the most widespread invertebrates on the planet.
Over 22,000 species live everywhere except Antarctica and some very remote parts of the world.
These boneless creatures build their nests either underground, above ground, or in trees.
Similar to bees, an ant colony is led by a female whose main job is to lay eggs.
Workers in ant colonies are usually female, in contrast to bee colonies, which are made up of male workers.
Most ants are omnivores, feeding on nectar, fungi, seeds, and other insects.
Some species like the army ant eat small rodents and reptiles.
Scientific name – Rhopalocera
Butterflies are a unique species due to their 4-stage life cycle.
There are approximately 180,000 known butterfly species that can be found in all corners of the world except Antarctica.
Most butterflies are adapted to a small range of food plants, of which they only feed on a specific part.
However, there are species with a much wider range that can defoliate large areas of forest and grassland, harming human agricultural and forestry interests.
Scientific name – Annelida
Habitat – soil and subsoil
These boneless animals are found in marine and freshwater environments, in soil, and in other organisms such as animals, often as parasites.
Worms generally have no limbs and no eyes.
These creatures are hermaphrodites, but still need a mate to reproduce young.
Relatives: herd animals
Scientific Name – Gastropoda
Diet – Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore
Habitat – land, water, trees
Snails fall into two main groups, those that live on land and those that live in water.
Although most snail populations are aquatic, snails can generally be found in a variety of environments, including deserts.
Most slugs are herbivores, but sea slugs are mostly omnivores, with some species being predatory carnivores.
Scientific name – Aurelia aurita
Jellyfish are thought to have existed for almost 500 million years, maybe longer, making them the oldest living organism.
These bloodless carnivores mature very quickly, reaching their reproductive stage within months, but die soon after breeding.
They are clearly identifiable by the mushroom- or umbrella-shaped bell they throb when underway, although some species are anchored to the sea via stalks.
Jellyfish have tendrils that often have stinging cells that are used to immobilize and capture prey, but also to defend against predators.
These stinging cells can be harmful to humans and fatal in some species.
Scientific Name – Octopoda
Octopuses, so named for their eight-limbed physical structure, are surprisingly boneless animals.
There are over 300 known species and belong to the same family as cuttlefish and cuttlefish.
These eight-limbed invertebrates are found in diverse marine terrains, from coral reefs and pelagic waters to intertidal zones and abysmal depths.
These marine carnivores feed on crabs, clams, fish, starfish, and even other squid.
They are also poisonous, but only the blue-ringed octopus is known to be harmful to humans.
Scientific name – Brachyura
There are more than 6,000 species living in every ocean in the world.
Some species are terrestrial and are usually found in tropical regions.
These boneless animals are equipped with a single pair of claws, a short tail, and a thick exoskeleton.
The smallest species (pea crab) is only a fraction of an inch tall, while the largest (Japanese spider crab) can reach a leg span of 12 feet.
As an omnivore in the ocean, the crab’s diet consists of algae, fungi, bacteria, worms, clams, shrimp, etc.
Scientific name – scorpions
Diet – Carnivore
Diet – Carnivore
Diet – Carnivore
Diet – Carnivore
Habitat – land, mountains, caves
Scorpions are eight-legged creatures that have roamed the earth for 435 million years.
They are easily identified by their venom-injecting tails, which curl down an animal’s back.
Scorpions’ favorite foods are insects and vertebrates, while some species also feed on hunting vertebrates.
Scorpions use their venomous sting for both attack and defense.
When hunting, scorpions use their claws to capture prey and sting to kill it.
While many people fear scorpions, fewer than one percent of species actually possess a venom strong enough to kill a human.
Scientific name – Nephropidae
Diet – omnivores
Diet – omnivores
Diet – omnivores
Diet – omnivores
Habitat – Water
Habitat – Water
Habitat – Water
Habitat – Water
The last members on our list of boneless animals are lobsters.
These creatures are found on the sea floor as they prefer cold and salty habitats.
Lobsters have five pairs of legs, with the first pair being the largest.
They are omnivores and feed on marine animals such as fish, clams, shrimp, clams, worms and plants.
The interesting thing about these sea creatures is that they can live up to 100 years, although it is quite difficult to determine the age of the animals.
They are also one of the few animals in the world that grows forever!
Summary on Boneless Animals
Boneless animals are found all over the world.
It is an interesting fact that they make up the majority of all living things.
They are also highly adaptable to different environments and their diet is designed to reflect this.
Invertebrates play curial roles in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems.
However, as with most species, an overabundance of a population in a limited area can be extremely detrimental.
Additionally, many of these animals are facing loss of habitat and food sources, while others face extinction due to uncontrolled human activity.
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