Washing machines and dryers are big, clunky, and extremely heavy
On average, washing machines weigh 170 pounds, and dryers weigh 124 pounds
However, the weight of these appliances varies significantly based on type, capacity, features, and brand
Small-load washers can weigh as little as 99 pounds while extra-large washers can weigh up to 300 pounds
Small dryers can weigh as little as 100 pounds while larger ones can weigh up to 170 pounds
Here’s the average weight based on the type of washer and dryer
TypeAverage Weight (pounds)
To give you an idea of how much each type of washer and dryer weighs relative to its size, here’s a quick breakdown of average pounds per cubic foot of capacity
Note: Capacity, in this instance, refers to the size of the washer or dryer’s drum, not the size of the entire unit
TypeAverage Weight Per Cubic Foot (pounds)
Front-Loading washing machines56
Front-Loading washing machines56
Front-Loading washing machines56
Front-Loading washing machines56
Stacked washer-dryer laundry centers85
Stacked washer-dryer laundry centers85
In the following sections of this article, I provide 40 real examples of popular washers, dryers, washer-dryer combos, and stacked laundry centers and reveal to you exactly how much they weigh
Also, I explain why washing machines are so heavy and provide tips for moving these clunky appliances
You already know that washing machines and dryers are heavy, but how much do they actually weigh?
In the chart below, you’ll find 40 of the most popular washing machines and dryers compared by weight, type, and capacity
ApplianceTypeWeight (pounds)Capacity (cubic feet)See Product Listing
Bosch 300 SeriesFront-Loading Washer15822HomeDepotcom
Whirlpool High-Efficiency Commercial Front-Loading Washer23531HomeDepotcom
Samsung High-EfficiencyFront-Loading Washer19442HomeDepotcom
GE High-EfficiencyFront-Loading Washer24545HomeDepotcom
GE High-EfficiencyFront-Loading Washer24545HomeDepotcom
GE High-EfficiencyFront-Loading Washer24545HomeDepotcom
LG Ultra Large CapacityFront-Loading Washer20345HomeDepotcom
LG Ultra Large CapacityFront-Loading Washer20345HomeDepotcom
Samsung High-Efficiency FlexWashFront-Loading Washer29355HomeDepotcom
LG Signature High-EfficiencyFront-Loading Washer23958HomeDepotcom
GE Capacity StationaryTop-Loading Washer9928HomeDepotcom
Whirlpool White CommercialTop-Loading Washer12033HomeDepotcom
Whirlpool High-Efficiency WhiteTop-Loading Washer13543HomeDepotcom
Maytag High-EfficiencyTop-Loading Washer15242HomeDepotcom
GE WhiteTop-Loading Washer14742HomeDepotcom
GE High-Efficiency WhiteTop-Loading Washer13846HomeDepotcom
Maytag High-Efficiency WhiteTop-Loading Washer13453HomeDepotcom
Maytag High-Efficiency WhiteTop-Loading Washer13453HomeDepotcom
Samsung High-EfficiencyTop-Loading Washer14352HomeDepotcom
Samsung High-EfficiencyTop-Loading Washer14352HomeDepotcom
LG White Electric VentlessDryer10542HomeDepotcom
Whirlpool White Commercial Electric VentedDryer14767HomeDepotcom
LG Electronics Ultra Large Capacity Electric DryerDryer12274HomeDepotcom
Samsung Electric Dryer WhiteDryer12675HomeDepotcom
Samsung Electric FlexDryDryer16775HomeDepotcom
Whirlpool White Electric VentedDryer1097HomeDepotcom
Maytag White Gas Vented Dryer1137HomeDepotcom
GE White Electric VentedDryer10772HomeDepotcom
Samsung Electric DryerDryer12674HomeDepotcom
GE White Gas VentedDryer11874HomeDepotcom
Haier Ventless ElectricWasher-Dryer Combo14820HomeDepotcom
LG Graphite SteelWasher-Dryer Combo25623HomeDepotcom
Whirlpool Cashmere Ventless Smart All-In-OneWasher-Dryer Combo20028HomeDepotcom
Deco Electric All-in-OneWasher-Dryer Combo161157HomeDepotcom
Magic ChefWasher-Dryer Combo16027HomeDepotcom
Whirlpool Electric StackedLaundry Center19016HomeDepotcom
FrigidaireLaundry Center28039HomeDepotcom
GELaundry Center24938HomeDepotcom
GELaundry Center24938HomeDepotcom
WhirlpoolLaundry Center25035HomeDepotcom
The capacity of every washer and dryer is measured in cubic feet
According to BestBuycom, “regular-sized” washers fall between 3 and 4 cubic feet and can hold up to 16 pounds of laundry
Extra-large washers often have over 5 cubic feet of capacity and can hold 20 pounds of laundry, or more
Dryers need even more capacity than washers because they need to fit an entire load of laundry AND have enough space for hot air to circulate
As a general rule of thumb, a dryer’s capacity should be about twice as much as its accompanying washer
Most of the time, washer and dryers are sold in sets, so you won’t have to worry about matching up the sizes of the two appliances–unless you are buying only one at a time
As you see in the chart above, I list out a wide range of washers and dryers so you can compare the weight of appliances with only 22 cubic feet of capacity, all the way up to 75 cubic feet
Washer-Dryer Combos
Washer-Dryer Combos
Washer-Dryer Combos
Washer-dryer combos, as their name suggests, are appliances that wash and dry your clothes within a single unit
But, despite their smaller size, they are 50 pounds heavier than top-loading washing machines (185 vs
A laundry center is a vertically stacked unit that typically has the washer on the bottom and dryer on top
Laundry centers tend to offer less capacity in terms of cubic feet, but they’re very heavy (238 pounds on average) since it’s two appliances attached
I got the weight of each washer and dryer in this chart from the following sources:
If you’re considering buying a specific washing machine or dryer and need to know the exact weigh to ensure you can transport it safely, you should check directly with the manufacturer
Almost all washing machines are constructed with a solid block of concrete at the base to add balance and stability so that the machine doesn’t move or tip, especially during spin cycles
According to Vibrobeton DLC, a manufacturer of washing machine counterweights, these concrete blocks alone can weigh a whopping 55 pounds!
Also, washing machines have several other heavy components
As outlined in this HowStuffWorks article, most washers have two steel tubs (inner and outer), a gearbox, a motor, and a solid metal frame
When we’re talking about machines that are around 40 inches tall, 28 inches wide and 33 inches deep, that’s a lot of metal!
All of these components add up to significant weight, 170 pounds on average, according to our research
Tips for Moving Washing Machines and Dryers
Tips for Moving Washing Machines and Dryers
Like most large home appliances, washing machines and dryers are heavy, clunky, and awkward to move
I’m not going to lie, moving them can be difficult—especially if you don’t know what you’re doing
If you’re bringing a new washer and dryer into your house or moving your current washer and dryer out, the following are tips that will make the process more manageable
As you prepare to move your washer and dryer, the first step is to clean
If your washer doesn’t have a self-cleaning cycle, fill the drum with hot water and bleach and let it soak for an hour
Helpful Resource: This guide on wikiHowcom has a bunch of great tips and tricks for cleaning the inside of your washer
Scrub the rubber door seal, dispensers, and exterior of the washer and dryer with a microfiber cloth and a mixture of water and vinegar
You’ll need furniture blankets, moving tape, an appliance dolly (I highly recommend this one on Amazon), and moving straps (like these)
Disconnect the Washer and Dryer
Before you move your washer and dryer, you need to disconnect all of the cords, tubes, vents, and pipes
Disconnecting a Washing Machine
Now, if you’re confident in your ability to safely disconnect your appliances, go for it
Just remember, before disconnecting anything, shut off the electricity via your circuit breaker panel and turn off the water and gas supply
Connect Transit Bolts to the Washer
Washing Machine Drum
If you don’t secure the drum before moving the washer, the drum will move freely, and you risk damaging this suspension mechanism
Most washing machines come with transit bolts, but if you can’t find yours, just Google “[your washer model] + transit/shipping bolts,” and you should be able to find them
Washers and dryers are expensive—and so is your house—so take the proper steps to protect both during the move
Tape the loose cords and tubes to the back of your washer and dryer, so you don’t trip over them during the move
Wrap each appliance with furniture pads and secure them with moving tape, shrink-wrap, or moving bands
Drape handrails with furniture pads in case you bump into them and cover the floor with cardboard in any areas you think you might need to put down the appliance to rest (the bottom or top of the stairs are great spots for this)
Never move your washer or dryer by yourself!
Helpful Resource: How to Get Friends to Help You Move (Movingcom)
Even with the proper preparation and equipment, it’s not safe to maneuver such heavy and awkward appliances alone
At the very least, you’ll need someone to spot you on the other side of the dolly and make sure you don’t slam into any walls or clip any furniture
Move Your Washer and Dryer With a Dolly
When it comes to moving your washer and dryer, I highly recommend using an appliance dolly, like this one on Amazon
Position the dolly in the back or the side of the washer or dryer
Most professionals recommend the side to avoid the cords and tubes that are located in the back, but more importantly, position the dolly so that the weight is balanced and you have complete control
Once the dolly is in position, wrap the strap around the appliance and secure it according to your dolly’s instructions
If any of these steps are unclear, check out this quick video that demonstrates how to position, secure, and move a washer with an appliance dolly
Helpful Resource: Check out this article from Dollycom to find more helpful tips on moving heavy washers and dryers
It includes special tips for moving these appliances up and down staircases, loading them onto a truck, and storing them safely
If you’re dreading the day that you have to move your washer and dryer, consider this
Almost every appliance retailer, including home improvement stores like Home Depot, will deliver and install your washer and dryer for you
So, if you’re buying new, you don’t have to worry about breaking your back operating an appliance dolly for the first time
If you’re moving to a new home and taking your appliances with you, you have a few options
Generally, moving companies charge by the total weight of the job or by the hour
Get free quotes from local moving companies in minutes on HomeAdvisorcom
The second option is to leave your washer and dryer behind
Most sellers include the washer and dryer as part of the sale since they are such a hassle to move, and the dimensions may not match up perfectly in the new house
The Most Reliable Washer and Dryer Brands (and Brands to Avoid)
How Much Water Does a Washing Machine Use?
Average Refrigerator Weight (With 14 Examples)
Average Cast Iron Bathtub Weight (With 15 Examples)
How much does my Washing Weigh?
This can be a complicated question depending on the type and model of your washing machine
The average weight of a large capacity washing machine is about 230 pounds
Whereas a medium-size washer can weigh anywhere between 150-180 pounds
As you load up the washer with laundry, that weight obviously changes
With that said, the weight of your washer may vary significantly depending on the type of washer and model
If you are using a small washer, the weight will be considerably lighter than an average large-sized washer
The weight of your washing machine can affect how easy it is to move
Note: Typically a front-loading washer will weigh more than a Top-loading washing machine but this is not a rule and there will always be a few exceptions
Why Does Washing Machine Weight Matter?
Washing machine weight is an important consideration for a number of reasons
First, a heavy washing machine is more likely to damage your floors over time, as there are chances that you will be moving your washer around may be to clean or perform maintenance activities
Second, a heavier washing machine will use more energy to operate, resulting in higher utility bills
Heavy washers in general are large which also means they require more power to operate
Finally, it’s very difficult to move your washer around which also means a lot of hassles when you shift your house
It is important to carefully consider the weight of your washing machine before making a purchase
By taking the time to understand the importance of washing machine weight, you can make sure that you select a machine that will be durable and efficient
Try to strike a nice balance between load handling capacity and weight
If you have a large family, it may be worth it to invest in a larger and heavier washing machine
But if you live alone or have a small family, it might be better to choose a smaller and lighter machine
Washing machines are so heavy because they need to be able to handle a lot of weight
This is necessary in order to ensure that the machine can properly clean clothes
The extra weight also helps to keep the machine stable during operation
The key material OR the component that makes your washer heavy is concrete
Concrete Blocks are placed in the washer to keep them stable when the tub moves as high RPMs Some manufacturers use metal weights or sandbags to achieve the same results
The weight of a concrete block or a metal block inside the washer can range anywhere from 50 to 120 pounds depending on the washer model
So, what happens is, when the washer operates at high RPMs it tends to vibrate a lot and that is inevitable because it is rotating large and heavy loads inside
To deal with vibration and wobbling, a heavy concrete block OR Metal block OR a Sandbag is placed inside the washer
So, a washer by itself does not weigh a lot but they are made to weigh heavy by adding concrete blocks
This is because if the washer is not heavy enough it will move around while in operation and that could result in some serious accidents
A washing machine’s weight when full can vary depending on the model and make of the machine
In General, most washing machines weigh between 150 and 400 pounds when they are full
The weight of a washing machine can also be affected by the type of clothes that are being washed
Heavier items, such as blankets and towels, will add to the Machine’s overall weight
Therefore, it is important to take the weight of a washing machine into consideration when selecting a model
Otherwise, the washing machine may not be able to handle the load, resulting in damage to the machine or prematurely wearing out its components
How much does a washer-dryer combo weigh?
An average washer-dryer combo typically weighs around 150 pounds
This weight can vary depending on the size and capacity of the unit
Having said that, Larger washer and dryer combos especially the commercial ones may easily weigh up to 200 pounds or even more
It is important to note that the weight of a washer-dryer combo can vary depending on the manufacturer
Before purchasing a washer-dryer combo, it is advisable to check the weight specifications of the unit to ensure that it will be able to support the weight of the laundry load
Additionally, it is important to have adequate space for a washer-dryer combo unit, as it will need to be properly ventilated in order to function properly
Washer-dryer combo units typically have a width of 27 inches and a depth of 33 inches
When selecting a washer-dryer combo unit, it is important to keep these dimensions in mind to ensure that the unit will fit in the desired space
Average Weights of Popular Washing Machine Models
Most people don’t think about the weight of their washing machine until they have to move it
Here are some popular models along with their weight
Popular Washing Machine ModelWeightWhirlpool 31 cu
High-Efficiency White Front Load Commercial Washing Machine235 lbSamsung 22 cu
High-Efficiency Front Load Washer with Steam161 lbs Electrolux 45 cu
High-Efficiency Stackable Front Load Washer217 lbSamsung 45 cu
Large Capacity Smart Front Load Washer with Super Speed Wash2006 lbs LG 50 cu
Top Load Washer with TurboWash3D134 lbsSamsung 44 cu
Capacity Top Load Washer (WA44A3405AW)1345 lbsLG 43 cu
Top Load Washer (WT7005CW)1279 lbs
Moving a washing machine may be a little overwhelming task
It requires you to lift a washing machine, and place them in the right place using either a dolly OR ply
Follow the below steps in order to move a washer OR Dryer Or Both
Step 1: Find two people to help you move the machine
Try finding two people or at least one who can help to tilt and move the washer
Step 2: Unplug the machine and disconnect the hoses
The next step is to turn off the water supply and unplug the Power cord OR cable from the power socket
This will ensure that your washer does not have any Water Supply as well power
You can use a thick layer of bubble wrap OR even a couple of blankets wrapped around it with packing tape to avoid any scratches OR Damage to your appliance while moving
Step 5: Tilt the washer
Now tilt the appliance and place it onto a dolly OR a ply
This is an important step and you need to be extra careful while doing this
Alternatively, you may use a ramp or a platform that can help you in moving the washing machine freely
Step 6: Place the washer
Once you are done moving the washer, the next step is to place them carefully
You can use a spirit leveler OR any other leveling tool to make sure that the washer is placed perfectly level
If the washer is not level, it can lead to a lot of problems like vibration and noise
Step 7: Reconnect the hoses and plug in the machine
Now all you need to do is reconnect the hoses and plug in the machine
Your washing machine is now ready to be used
After you have connected the power cord and hose make sure to run a trial wash so that everything is working as expected
Don’t forget to secure the drum with transit bolts by using your wrench or pliers if you are shifting your washer to a different house
Before you load the washer in a van or a truck make sure you are placing the Transit bolts appropriately as it helps to keep the washer and its internal components intact in a moving van OR truck
How to Read Washing Machine Weight Specifications?
The best way to read the washing machine weight specification is by looking at the instruction manual
You can find all the information you need about the washing machine’s height, weight, and other dimensions in the instruction manual
With that said, you should keep in mind that the weight of a washing machine varies based on the model
A washing machine’s weight might change drastically depending on its capacity
For instance, a washing machine with a 25 kg capacity will weigh less than a washer with a 3 kg capacity
Looking at the package is another approach that you can take to determine the weight of a washing machine model
The weight of the washing machine is typically indicated on the package
Washing machines can be purchased from a variety of internet merchants
The majority of these shops will indicate the washing machine’s weight on their websites
Having said that, always keep in mind that the washing machine weight does not include the weight of the clothes
When we refer to the weight of a washer, we just mean the weight of the appliance itself and exclude the weight of the clothing or other household items
There are several benefits of lighter washing machines
There are several benefits of lighter washing machines
If you need to relocate your washing machine, it will be considerably easier
Another advantage of smaller washing machines is that they consume less energy
Additionally, lighter washing machines also tend to be more durable than their heavier counterparts
Last but not least, lighter washing machines are typically quieter than heavier ones
Depending on the brand and capacity, washing machines might weigh differently
Lighter washing machines are more portable, more robust, and quieter
Always remember to examine the weight parameters when looking for a washing machine so that you are aware of what you are getting into
Finally, when selecting a washer, always add a pound or two to your initial weight need
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How Much Does the Average Weight of A Washing MachineHow Much Does A Washing Machine Weigh-in KGParts of Washing Machine That Increase Its WeightSteel Drum TubsConcrete BlocksMotorPumps & PipesAgitatorHeating ElementsControlling SystemWhat is the Average Weight of A Top-Load Washing MachineWhat is the Average Weight of A Front-Load Washing MachineWhy Are Washing Machines HeavyHow to Move A Heavy Washing MachineFinal Verdict
An average washing machine weighs almost 150 to 200 pounds
Most washing machines have similar sizes and weights, making them easy to transport or load on trucks
Whether you are purchasing a new machine or are curious about its average size, it is important to be aware of the average weight of a washing machine
It also helps renovate the house or build a new laundry according to the weight and size of the washer
The weight varies in front load and top load washing machines, and here we will find out everything related to the weight in detail
How Much Does the Average Weight of A Washing Machine
The average weight of a washing machine depends on the type of machine, its capacity, and features induced by the manufacturer
A washer with a large capacity usually weighs from 155 to 230 pounds
In contrast, a medium-capacity washer weighs almost 180 pounds
The washing machines with small capacities have an average weight of 145 to 150 pounds
The smallest known washing machine has an average weight of 65 to 70 pounds
Features and parts of the machine highly afflict weight
How Much Does A Washing Machine Weigh-in KG
How Much Does A Washing Machine Weigh-in KG
The weightage of a washing machine in KGs lies between 60Kgs to 110Kgs On average, the weight ranges from 70Kg to 90Kg The size can vary depending on different factors
Usually, the most common weights are 6, 7, 8, or 9Kg, which shows the load capacity and clothes weight
This weightage doesn’t relate to the machine equipment
Parts of Washing Machine That Increase Its Weight
The older machines were quite heavy and weighed closer to 200 pounds or even higher
With modern inventions, the machines are lighter and smaller in size without impacting their performance
The automatic washing machines have both top load and front load options that increase their weight
There are the following important components of a washing machine:
The washer consists of two tubs
One is specified for collecting clothes and the other to keep the water sealed when the washer cycles are turned on
The main source that decides the machine’s weight is the concrete block
These are kinds of slabs on the concrete present inside the washer where the motor and all other materials reside
Usually, it weighs up to 55 pounds
The weight of the washing machine’s motor is almost 20 pounds but can rise a bit more due to aluminum
An agitator is usually present in top-load washers where a central peddle is located
It allows the movement of clothes all around the washer for deep cleaning
This feature is absent in most modern washing machines
However, this doesn’t affect weight much
A heating element is responsible for raising the temperature of the water during the hot wash cycle
The controlling features can be accessed with the help of a touch screen or knobs in the washer
These all features and parts add little weight to the overall original weight of the machine
A top-load washer has been recently introduced which is quite lighter in weight compared to the front load washer
The average weight of these washing machines is almost 135 pounds
The medium-capacity washer weighs 100 pounds, and the small-sized washer weighs only 70 pounds
What is the Average Weight of A Front-Load Washing Machine
What is the Average Weight of A Front-Load Washing Machine
The classic variety of washing machines is the front-load washer with an average weight of 205 pounds
This weight provides extra capacity for convenient washing
A medium-sized front load washing machine will weigh almost 180 pounds
While a small-sized machine’s weight hardly reaches up to 145 pounds
Now it’s up to you to decide which one you should prefer between a top load or a front load washer
A washing machine weighs higher than other appliances to handle the most strenuous work and clean heavy loads of clothes
The heavyweight also describes the washing capacity and ability to get everything perfectly cleaned
The major reason for weight is concrete which raises 50 to 120 pounds of weight
Some machines are made of metal or sandbags
It is important to have any one of these to control the wobble or vibration produced in the machine
So, a washing machine isn’t heavy by itself
It is the concrete block that adds real weight to a washer
How to Move A Heavy Washing Machine
How to Move A Heavy Washing Machine
How to Move A Heavy Washing Machine
How to Move A Heavy Washing Machine
How to Move A Heavy Washing Machine
How to Move A Heavy Washing Machine
To move a heavy washer, you will need the following accessories:
The step-by-step guide to picking a heavy machine is mentioned below:
First, you should empty the washer by removing water and clothes
Run a washing cycle to get it clean and fresh
Now unplug the machine, shut down water valves, and turn off water hoses by using a wrench and pliers
Use shipping bolts to keep the drum fixed to its position
In order to secure the washing machine, you can also utilize shipping blankets
Take the dolly and try to move the washer onto it
Be careful while doing so, as your machine will damage if it falls on the ground
After moving to the destination, bring the washer back to the laundry area
It doesn’t matter how heavy is your washing machine; you can easily lift it and move it around
On average, a front load washing machine weighs a maximum of 230 pounds with an extra-large capacity
At the same time, the medium one weighs 180 pounds
The small one weighs almost 150 pounds
On the other hand, the top load washer has 170 pounds weight at large capacity, and the medium weighs up to 150 pounds
We hope you’ll understand the average weight of a washing machine by reading this guide
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Machine Wash & Hand Wash