Difference Between Density and Mass

Density and weight are physical properties of matter

Both properties are related to mass

In addition, these properties are very useful in physics and engineering when describing objects

1 Overview and Key Difference

4 Side by Side Comparison – Density vs Weight in Tabular Form

Density is a physical property of matter that is a measure of the amount of matter available in a unit volume

Density is the ratio of mass to volume and therefore has the physical dimensions of ML-3

The unit of measurement for density is often kilograms per cubic meter (kgm-3) or grams per milliliter (g/ml)

When a solid object is placed in a liquid, it will float if the solid has a lower density than the liquid

This is the reason ice floats on water

If two liquids (which are immiscible) of different density are put together, the liquid with lower density floats on top of the liquid with higher density

Image 01: Ice floating on water

In some special applications, density can be defined as weight/volume

It is called specific gravity and in this case the unit is Newton per cubic meter

Weight is the force acting on an object due to the gravitational field

It is directly related to mass and can be given as the product of mass and the gravitational field

Weight has the same dimensions as force (MLT-2), and the units of measurement are newtons or kilograms of weight (kgwt)

Since weight is related to the gravitational field, we can measure different weights in different places

For example, the weight of an object on the moon is one-sixth of its weight on earth

In addition, weight can also vary in different places on earth due to fluctuations in gravity

However, weight is sometimes treated as a constant property

If the place is the same, the weight is proportional to the mass, which is a measure of the amount of matter included in the object

Weight is an extensive physical property because it increases as the size of an object increases

What is the difference between density and weight?

Furthermore, density is an intensive physical property while weight is an extensive property

For units of measurement, weight is measured in Newtons, and density is measured in kilograms per cubic meter

Furthermore, weight is directly related to gravity, while density has no relationship to the gravitational field

Summary – Density vs Weight

Density is a physical property of matter that is a measure of the amount of matter available in a unit volume, while weight is the force acting on an object due to the gravitational field

Density is a physical property of matter that is a measure of the amount of matter available in a unit volume, while weight is the force acting on an object due to the gravitational field

The key difference between density and weight is that weight is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, whereas density measures the amount of matter per unit volume

The key difference between density and weight is that weight is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, whereas density measures the amount of matter per unit volume

The key difference between density and weight is that weight is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, whereas density measures the amount of matter per unit volume

“What’s the Difference Between Weight and Mass” ThoughtCo, 21 Mar 2019, Available here

The difference between density and specific gravity

Difference between center of gravity and center of mass

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