For those who have been in the game for a while, you probably have your preference when it comes to two bowling balls-the heavy and the light bowling ball.
I hope this answers some of your questions about the differences between these two balls.
If you are interested in finding the best bowling ball for you, you can find them by clicking here
What is the heaviest bowling ball?
Bowling balls differ when it comes to weight.
However, the heaviest weight for all drilled bowling balls, as regulated by The US Bowling Congress, is 16 pounds.
If you want a weight higher than 16 pounds, you’ll need to go for unmelted balls, which differ by a few ounces.
Advantages of a heavy bowling ball
A heavy bowling ball increases your striking ability because most of the ball’s inertia is transferred to the pins, which then relay this energy to the other pins to give you a higher strike ability.
Note that the ball must only touch four pins in its path.
A bowler would call this ‘power’ or ‘hitting power.’ For a heavy strike, you need to give extra energy to the pins.
A heavy bowling ball actually provides less deflection as it passes through the pins.
Most people agree that this is usually the main advantage of these balls.
It is always easier to have a free swing with a heavier ball than a lighter ball.
Heavier balls offer more pounds per square inch, which cannot be said for lighter balls.
Heavier balls will also give you a natural swing because you have to roll the ball, unlike lighter balls where you might be tempted to throw.
It’s easier to make a bigger hook with a heavier ball than with a lighter bowling ball.
It is also clear that the hook is more powerful than a straight ball because, with a hook, the energy is somewhat spread over the pocket pins, whereas a straight shot transfers most of the energy to the headpin.
A heavy bowling ball will also give you a lower ball speed, giving it more time to swing.
Weakness of a heavy bowling ball
A heavier bowling ball is okay for bowling.
The truth is, you have less control with a heavier ball, especially when you start to tire.
A good way of combating this disaster is by finding the right weight.
A heavier ball will put more strain on your wrists, especially in the beginning, which means you’ll likely have trouble with your rev rate and ball speed, which are extremely important for a good bowler.
This problem is most prevalent in people switching from lighter bowling balls.
A heavy bowling ball can be a good choice, but you have to remember that it is quite easy to get tired while using these balls.
A person using a sixteen pound bowling ball is likely to tire quickly compared to a lower weight.
Does a heavier bowling ball roll faster?
Nope. A heavy bowling ball rolls a little slower than a lighter one.
This is because a heavier ball provides more energy compared to a lighter one, which explains why it is easier to hit as many pins as possible.
How do I know if my bowling ball is too heavy?
If you want to determine if your bowling ball is too heavy, the most natural motion is to place it in the palm of your swinging hand.
If you can easily handle the ball without your arms or hands, then it is not too heavy for you.
Also, if your ball is dictating where your body is going, it will probably be heavier for you.
What is the lightest bowling ball?
The lightest bowling ball weighs six pounds although companies have begun making some that weigh four pounds.
However, for competitions, the minimum weight allowed is nine pounds, and balls must be obtained from approved manufacturers.
Advantages of light bowling balls
It is easier to roll a lighter ball than a heavier ball.
You can, therefore, get the same amount of power with a lighter ball saving you from all the pain.
Because they roll easily, lighter balls are more comfortable than heavier balls.
This is my 8lbs ball that used to be my mom’s.
It’s a great starter ball because it’s so light.
For someone starting bowling, a lighter ball will serve you well.
You probably have no idea about hooks and straight shots, and therefore you need something light to train better.
Training with a heavier ball will be a disadvantage because of the wrist pain you have to go through.
Light bowling balls are easier to control compared to heavier ones.
A lighter ball offers you room for smaller changes.
This is related to boards and transfers, which require greater changes with heavier balls.
Weaknesses of light bowling balls
Ball deflection
It is quite difficult to achieve perfect ball deflection with lighter balls.
You will discover that even the best shots can, at times, be a disappointment, an area of heavier balls.
Lighter balls affect your pin action and therefore deflect the pin by a greater percentage.
Lighter balls weigh less and do not, therefore, roll with as much impact.
Because of this, you will be at a disadvantage while playing when you rely on these types of bowling balls.
What is the lightest bowling ball one can use?
For competitions, the lightest bowling ball one can use weighs nine pounds.
However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t lighter balls.
Nope. There are six-pound bowling balls that are commonly used by smaller children and are therefore not listed for competitions.
Youth leagues typically use lighters, and even if they do, they must come from a listed manufacturer.
Recently, however, we’ve seen bowling balls weighing four pounds, replacing the usual six.
Is it better to use a lighter or heavier bowling ball?
The weight of a bowling ball to be used boils down to personal preference and the desired level and experience of play.
The truth, however, is that heavier bowling balls have many advantages over lighter ones.
Heavier balling weights have a more significant impact and therefore deliver more energy to the pins, which in turn increases your chances of breaking all the pins for a neat win.
A heavier ball also maintains its course as it passes through the pins, which is good for bowling.
Heavier balls also hit a little harder, which is a plus when it comes to improved pin action.
Lighter balls also have their share of advantages, and that’s why we say it comes down to individual preference.
It is easier to hook with lighter balls compared to heavier bowling balls.
You can, therefore, get a hook with a lighter ball without having to move your mark.
Lighter balls also offer mixed results when it comes to deflections.
Remember, to hit all the pins; you need to achieve perfect deflection.
This is also a heavier ball area.
Jut keep in mind that the heavier the ball, the more power it hits.
From this discussion, therefore, it is absolutely accurate to say that heavier balls are relatively better than lighter balls.
However, don’t go for a ball that’s too heavy for you to support, or you’ll end up with sore arms and a not-so-good game.
What is the best bowling ball weight for kids?
If you are looking for the right bowling ball for your child, choose one that matches their age.
Remember, we said the minimum weight for a bowling weight is 6 pounds.
For a six to seven year old child, the best ball should be 6 pounds.
For a child of ten to eleven years, a ten-pound ball is just right.
What is the best bawling weight for seniors?
Senior bowlers are quite fragile, and therefore it is not advisable for them to use a heavy bowling ball.
However, when choosing the best weight for a beginner, it is advisable that you consider the flexibility and hand strength of the senior.
If a senor is strong enough, a slightly heavier bowling ball is advisable.
However, make sure that the ball offers the level of comfort required, which is important in maximizing bowling pins.
Does bowling ball weight matter?
Yes. Although the weight of the bowling ball does not affect the revs much, it influences your bowling experience by a larger percentage.
The weight of your ball will influence and affect both actions and your spins.
As you roll your ball, the weight shifts to drive the ball.
Therefore, the higher the weight, the more pins bounce around during impact.
More weight, therefore, gives you more pin action.
Heavier balls also offer more effortless hooks because they move relatively slowly and thus give your ball time for hooking.
On the other hand, lighter balls also reduce the strain caused by rolling.
Then you would use less energy to roll a 13-pound ball than a 16-pound ball, which is the highest.
You are not only working on the strain, but also the joint pains caused by such balls.
Also keep in mind that carry percentage depends on the weight of the ball along with the speed of the ball and your ability as a bowler to get your ball on the rail before they hit the pins.
Ball weight is important.
You may feel comfortable using a certain weight, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best for you.
If you find that you are dictating where the ball goes, the ball may be too light.
As a bowler, you need to learn the differences between a light bowling ball and a heavier ball and how these two define your bowling experience.