You may be wondering “How much does a tiger weigh”, which makes them the heaviest cats
We have collected complete information about “Tiger Weight” which will give you a clear idea about the weight of a tiger
Apart from this, you will also learn about the weight of male tiger, female tiger, baby tiger, newborn tiger, heaviest tiger and the weight of different species of tigers
How much does a tiger weigh
1 What is the weight of the tiger
The normal weight of an adult tiger ranges from 65 to 310 kg
Tiger weight in pounds ranges from 143 to 683 pounds
The average weight of different species of tigers is:
in captivity there was a Siberian tiger named Jaipur who weighed 465 kg, that is 1025 pounds
in the wild, there was a Bengal tiger weighing 389 kg, that is, 857 pounds
The normal weight of a male tiger ranges from 90 to 310 kg, that is, from 198 to 683 pounds
The normal weight of a female tiger ranges from 65 to 170 kg 143, which is 375 pounds
6 How much does a tiger cub weigh
At birth, the weight of a tiger cub ranges from 785 to 1610 grams, that is, from 175 to 35 pounds
The average weight of an adult male Bengal tiger is about 220 kg, which is 485 pounds
The average weight of an adult female Bengal tiger is about 140 kg, which is 309 pounds
How much does a Bengal tiger weigh
8 How much does a white tiger weigh
Adult white tigers weigh between 190 and 260 kilograms (420 and 570 pounds)
The average weight of an adult female white tiger is about 158 kilograms, or 350 pounds
Learn more: Facts about the white tiger
The average weight of an adult male Siberian tiger is 200 to 318 kg, which is 441 to 701 pounds
The average weight of an adult female Siberian tiger is between 100 and 167 kg, that is, between 220 and 368 pounds
How much does a Sumatran tiger weigh
The average weight of an adult male Sumatran tiger is from 100 to 140 kg, that is, from 220 to 310 pounds
The average weight of an adult female Sumatran tiger is 75 to 110 kg, that is, 165 to 243 pounds
How much does an Indochinese tiger weigh
The average weight of an adult male Indochinese tiger is 150 to 195 kg, which is 331 to 430 pounds
The average weight of an adult female Indochinese tiger is 100 to 130 kg, that is, 220 to 290 pounds
How much does a Malayan tiger weigh
The average weight of an adult male Malayan tiger is 47 to 129 kg, that is, 104 to 285 pounds
The average weight of an adult female Malayan tiger is between 24 kg and 88 kg, which is between 53 and 194 pounds
Malayan tiger
How much does a South China tiger weigh
The average weight of an adult male South China tiger is 130 to 180 kg, which is 290 to 400 pounds
The average weight of an adult female South China tiger is 100 to 110 kg, which is 220 to 240 pounds
South China tiger
How much does a Javan tiger weigh
The average weight of an adult male Javan tiger is 100 to 141 kg, which is 220 to 311 pounds
The average weight of an adult female Javan tiger is 75 to 115 kg, which is 165 to 254 pounds
Javanese tiger
How much does a tiger weigh in Bali
The average weight of an adult male Balinese tiger is 90 to 100 kg, which is 200 to 220 pounds
The average weight of an adult female Balinese tiger is 65 to 80 kg, that is, 143 to 176 pounds
Tiger Weight Comparison Chart
How much does a tiger weigh – Video about the weight of a tiger