How much does a lion weigh?

Lion (Panthera leo): a large cat of the Felidae family

Lions are at the top of the food chain with no natural predators

Although lions are large, powerful cats, their numbers have declined drastically in recent years

African lion numbers have declined by more than 40% over the last three generations, mainly as a result of habitat loss and conflict with humans

Male lions are much larger than females

The length of the female is usually between 46 and 57 feet, while the length of the male is between 56 and 83 feet

Female lions weigh between 270 and 400 pounds, while males weigh between 330 and 570 pounds

Lions are known for their muscular bodies with a deep chest

They have short, rounded heads, round ears, and hairy tufts at the end of their tails

Their appearance is different from other big cats like tigers, leopards and jaguars

It is worth noting that male lions have a mane of hair on their necks

The mane not only helps the lion look more imposing to females, but also more intimidating to other males

The lion’s mane may also protect the lion’s neck during battle, usually with other males over territory and breeding rights

They hunt animals in their environment, which typically includes antelopes and other ungulates

Lions usually hunt at night at dusk or dawn

Female lions or lionesses often do most of the hunting

In pursuit of prey, a lion can run the length of a football field in six seconds

Lion habitats include open forests, dense grasslands and scrub habitats where there is enough shelter for hunting and dens

Lions can be found in African grasslands

There is also a subspecies of Asiatic lions that ranged from the Middle East to India

However, there are now only about 400 to 460 subspecies of this lion left, more than half of which live in a reserve called the Gir Forest

After a four-month gestation, the lioness sneaks out of the herd to give birth to a litter of two to six cubs

The young weigh about 3 pounds at birth, have a yellowish-brown coat and distinct spots or stripes

The young remain hidden from the pride for the first four to six weeks while they gain strength

Cubs born in a pack are twice as likely to survive as a lone lioness

The young stay close to their mother for the first few months

Women tend to stay with their mothers longer than men

Males typically stay with their mother until the age of two, while females may stay with their mother in a pride for life

The immature male will be chased out of the herd by his mother when he goes out alone or joins a bachelor party

A group of bachelors will run together until they are old enough to start challenging older men in an attempt to take pride

Lions are the most sociable of the big cats and live in large groups called “prides” Prides consist of 3 to 30 lions, depending on location

Areas with greater food availability are likely to have greater pride

Prides consist of lionesses, their cubs, and a few unrelated males

Pack members have close social ties and are unlikely to accept a stranger

Both males and females scent mark to mark their territory

Pride participate in communal activities, including hunting, raising young, and grooming

Men and women have different roles in the herd

While the females hunt together and care for the young, the males mark and guard the herd’s territory

The males will guard the young while the lionesses hunt

When a new male tries to join the herd, he has to fight the existing males

Lions spend a lot of time resting and sleeping

Lions have brief periods of intense activity followed by hours of lounging, which can last up to 21 hours in total

Lions live about 15 years in the wild and up to 30 years in zoos

Habitat loss, conflicts with humans, and illegal wildlife trade are the greatest threats to lions

As a result of human expansion, African lions now live on only 8% of the land they once occupied

This loss of habitat has led to small and isolated prides that have a harder time breeding

As human activity expands into the lions’ territory, conflicts between lions and humans have intensified

Lions eat human livestock when their typical prey is no longer available, resulting in retaliation by farmers

Farmers may kill a lion to protect their livestock

Illegal wildlife trade is another major threat to lions

The demand for lion bones is growing because in traditional Asian medicine they can be used to replace tiger bones

Three-quarters of the African lion population is declining

With only about 20,000 in the wild, lions are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List

Conservation groups are working to protect the lions

San Diego Zoo Global supports lion conservation by donating funds to two organizations in Africa that help lions and other wildlife: Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) and Grevy’s Zebra Trust

The NRT works to protect wildlife in several ways, including anti-poaching operations, habitat management, conservation awareness, and endangered species recovery programs

They also monitor wildlife populations and mitigate human-wildlife conflicts

The NRT wildlife team has been collecting data on lions since 2013

Adopt a Lion: Adopt the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) lion pride Eneiskiriya and be part of a solution to help protect the lions in Mara

Support conservation organizations like WWF and San Diego Zoo Global in their lion conservation efforts

Source: San Diego Zoo, WWF and NATURE lion resources

In this article you will learn about the mass of male, female and lion cubs

You’ll also see how lions stack up against other members of the felid group, especially tigers, and how much the largest and longest lion in history has accumulated total weight and total length, respectively

How much do lions weigh in kg and pounds?

Before we get into the discussion, first of all we need to recognize the two distinct subspecies that lions fall into

The first is the subspecies Panthera leo leo found in north-central Africa, West Africa and India

The second is Panthera leo melanochaita from South and East Africa

The two subspecies of lions are distinct and differ only (albeit marginally) in external size morphology rather than tufts, mane length and color, and skin pigment color

Average weight of lions

The average weight of an adult male lion is 420 pounds (1905 kg), which is more than three times the average weight of an adult human

Female lions weigh around 290 pounds – 1311 kg (slightly more than males in their regions) and newborn cubs typically weigh between 1 kg and 2 kg; relatively lower than the standard body weight of an average human child

Average weight of each subspecies

Panther Leo Leo

The average weight of an adult male lion of this subspecies ranges from 148 kg to 191 kg

The average weight of an adult female lion of this subspecies ranges from 110 to 150 kg across geographic regions

Panthera leo melanochaita

The average weight of adult males of this subspecies ranges from 1749 to 263 kg (386 lb to 580 lb), with species from the southern region having the heaviest weight of 187 kg to 263 kg (412 lb to 580 lb), while those in Africa The eastern has an average weight of 1749 kg to 255 kg (386 lb to 562 lb)

The average weight of adult females of this subspecies is 1242 kg to 1498 kg (274 lb to 330 lb) in South Africa and 1195 to 1458 kg (263 lb to 321 lb) in the eastern part

Lions, or African lions as they are sometimes called, are members of the “big cat” family native to sub-Saharan Africa and northwestern India, and are found mainly in the savannah or grassy vegetation of these regions rather than in dense forests

Lions are generally large, muscular cats with a short, rounded head, tawny coat, deep chest, reduced neck, and a dark, hairy tuft at the end of the tail

Adult male lions (otherwise known as lions) typically have a weight of 327 to 580 pounds (148 kg to 263 kg), a body span of about 18 to 21 meters, and stand firmly at 12 meters from the ground to the shoulder

To put it another way, adult male lions typically weigh up to three times the average adult human weight, and are taller than the average American male (1734 cm) in length, not counting the one meter tail

Female lions (otherwise known as lionesses), on the other hand, typically range in weight from 2645 to 3306 pounds; They weigh between 120 and 150 kg (relatively less than their male counterparts), span approximately 16 to 18 meters in body length, and stand firmly at 11 meters from the ground to the shoulders

Of all the feline or big cat species, lions rival tigers only in body length, weight, and shoulder height

The Siberian tiger, which is considered the largest tiger species, has been recorded to measure up to over 10 feet (35 meters) in total body length (including 1 meter of tail) and weigh up to 660 pounds (or about 300 kg)

(Siberian tigers stand just under 4 feet tall at the shoulder )

Lion cubs, or lion cubs, typically weigh between 1 and 2 kg, which is less than the mass commonly assumed to be human infants

They are born with their eyes closed, which usually open by 11 days of age and are able to walk after a period of 15 days, while developing the ability to run after about 1 month of age

Lions feed mainly on land mammals, and their weight can range from 190 to 550 kg (420–1,210 lb)

Often larger prey items that are killed, such as a medium-sized or even large elephant, are attacked by prides of lions, as single individuals would find them almost impossible

Lions in captivity

Captive lions are often much heavier than their wild counterparts

A single male weighing up to 375 kg has been observed in a zoo in Ireland, while females usually retain their wild weight

The heaviest lion ever recorded

The heaviest lion ever recorded was a captive-bred male lion at Dublin Zoo in Ireland in 1959

The individual weighed as much as 375 kg and had a total body length of over 10 feet (excluding the tail)

The largest lion ever recorded in the wild was a male shot in the Eastern Transvaal of South Africa in 1936

This individual was a man-eater and weighed as much as 313 kg (690 lb)

The largest subspecies of lions

As for the lion subspecies that are the largest, it is the now extinct population of the Panthera leo leo subspecies, known as Barbary lions

This population inhabited the northern part of Africa and was exterminated by bounty hunting

19th-century hunters estimated that Barbary lions weighed between 270 and 300 kg for males

How much do lions weigh?

Retrieved from http://emborawildcom/how-much-do-lions-weigh/

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