How Much Weight Have You Gained?

When you’re hard at work dieting, losing a stone (14lbs) in weight is a pretty exciting milestone

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Units of weight can be hard to grasp in terms of visual quantity, so for a little fun, I put together this article to help you compare your weight loss to some everyday foods and drinks

A stone is a unit of weight mainly used in the UK and has been used over the years as a marker of weight loss

Losing a stone is a huge achievement and a milestone in a weight loss journey where you have several kilos to lose to reach your desired goal

Being a block of fat, pork is often used as a comparison to weight and fat loss

The average block of supermarket lard weighs 250g (88oz), so one stone is equal to 254 blocks in total

Weight loss Weight equivalent in lard (250g blocks)Half stone127 blocksOne stone254 blocksTwo Stone508 blocksThree Stone762 blocksFour Stone1016 blocksFive Stone127 blocks

Use the table below for more flour to weight loss conversions:

Weight loss Weight equivalent in flour (15 kg bags) Half a stone 21 bags One stone 42 bags Two stones 85 bags Three stones 127 bags Four stones 169 bags Five stones 212 bags

Although they vary in size, an average 330ml canned fizzy drink weighs around 355g/125oz (including the can)

Based on this figure there are just under 18 cans of fizzy drinks in one stone

For more drink cans to weight loss conversions, see the table below:

Weight loss Weight equivalent in cans of fizzy drink Half a stone 89 cans One stone 18 cans Two Stone 358 cans Three Stone 537 cans Four Stone 715 cans Five Stone 894 cans

Assuming a bag of sugar weighs 1 kg (22 lb), there are 64 bags of sugar in a stone of weight

Take a look at the table below for more sugar to weight loss conversions:

Weight loss Weight equivalent in bags of sugar Half a stone 32 bags One stone 64 bags Two stones 127 bags Three stones 19 bags Four stones 254 bags Five stones 318 bags

You’ve heard of a beer belly, so why not compare weight loss to beer bottles?

I weighed an unopened bottle of beer (including the bottle) and the total weight is 527g/186oz, that means there are 12 bottles of beer in one stone

Use the table below for more beer bottle to weight loss conversions:

Weight loss Weight equivalent in beer bottles Half a stone 6 bottles One stone 12 bottles Two stones 24 bottles Three stones 36 bottles Four stones 48 bottles Five stones 60 bottles

When you think of junk food, a hamburger always comes to mind, and what better than the iconic Mcdonald’s Big Mac The average Big Mac weighs around 240g in total, meaning there are around 26 Big Macs in one stone

Use the table below for more Big Mac to weight loss conversions:

Weight loss Weight equivalent in Big Mac’s Half a stone13 hamburgersOne stone26 hamburgersTwo stone53 hamburgersThree stone79 hamburgersFour stone106 hamburgersFive stone132 hamburgers

7 – There are 33 medium-sized oranges in a stone

Assuming an average weight of 190 g (67 oz) per orange, there are around 33 medium-sized fruits in one stone

For more orange to weight loss conversions, see the chart below:

Weight loss Weight equivalent in oranges Half a stone 17 One stone 33 Two stone 67 Three stone 100 Four stone 134 Five stone 167

For chocolate dieters who have had to cut back on their favorite sweets, comparing the weight of a stone to Mars Bars can make it all seem worthwhile

A standard size Mars Bar weighs 51g/18oz, meaning there are 1245 bars in a weight stone

For more Mars Bar to weight loss conversions, take a look at the chart below:

Weight loss Weight equivalent in Mars bars Half a stone 623 bars One stone 1245 bars Two stones 249 bars Three stones 3735 bars Four stones 498 bars Five stones 6225 bars

A medium 12-inch thin-crust pizza (plate size) weighs about 330 g (116 oz)

Based on a medium-sized pizza weighing 330g, there are about 19 pizzas in a stone

For more pizza to weight loss conversions, check out the table below:

Weight loss Pizza weight equivalentHalf a stone96 pizzasOne stone19 pizzasTwo stones385 pizzasThree stones577 pizzasFour Stone77 pizzasFive Stone96 pizzas

The average sugar cube weighs 4 g (014 oz), which means there are 15875 sugar cubes in one stone

Take a look at the table below for more conversions of sugar cubes to weight loss:

Weight loss Weight equivalent in sugar cubes Half a stone 794 One stone 15875 Two stone 3175 Three stone 47625 Four stone 6350 Five stone 79375

More so

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Calculator to compare weight loss with sugar

If you’re trying to lose weight, it can be very motivating to see how much you’ve lost in weight equivalent

I look at this and think “I missed what??” A few years ago, when I lost 100 pounds, that’s the equivalent of a 2-month-old horse’s weight

3 pounds / 14 kilograms = an average human brain

75 pounds / 34 kilograms = an average newborn baby

10 pounds / 45 kilograms = chemical additives consumed by one American each year

11 pounds / 5 kilograms = an average house cat

23 pounds / 104 kilograms = amount of pizza the average American eats in a year

25 pounds / 113 kilos = an average of 2 years

30 pounds / 136 kilos = amount of cheese the average American eats in a year

36 pounds / 163 kilograms = a medium-sized microwave

40 pounds / 18kilo = a 5 liter water bottle or an average human leg

60 pounds / 272 kilograms = an elephant’s penis (yes, it weighs more than its heart! )

66 pounds / 30 kilos = fats and oils the average American eats in a year

100 lbs / 454 kilos = a 2 month old horse

111 pounds / 503 kilograms = the amount of red meat the average American eats in a year

117 lbs / 53 kilos = an average fashion model (and 5’11”)

138 pounds / 626 kilograms = potatoes the average American eats in a year

140 pounds / 635 kilograms = refined sugar the average American eats in a year

144 lbs / 653 kilos = an “average” adult woman (and I’m 5’4″)

187 pounds / 848 kilograms = an average adult male

300 pounds / 136 kilos = an average football lineman

What is the equivalent of your weight loss?

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