Contents1 Can anything weigh 0 pounds?2 Does anything have any weight?3 Is gravity weight?4 Where is the lowest gravity on Earth?5 Does Earth always have the same weight?6 Heaviest planet which one? 7 What is density? of the Earth? 8 What is the history of studying the weight of the Earth?
Can anything weigh 0 lbs?
Nothing on the planet has absolute zero mass
One of the answers below suggested that a photon has zero mass but that is incorrect
The photon is accelerated by the gravity of the earth
This means that when you are in space, away from the Earth, objects have no weight as they do not feel the gravitational pull of the Earth
Objects can have a large mass, but any weight
There is nothing to put a balance between the Earth and to measure its weight, so like the ISS, the moon, and any other orbiting body, it cannot have any weight
Is gravity a weight?
Weight W is just another term for gravity F g F_g FgF, start subscript, g, end subscript
Gravity is a constant force acting on all objects around the Earth
The Earth pulls all objects by gravity downward towards the center of the Earth
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Mount Nevado Huascarán in Peru has the lowest gravity, at 97639 m/s2, while the highest peak is at the surface of the Arctic Ocean, at 98337 m/s2
Is there weight in space?
In space without gravity pulling on them, Astronauts are essentially weightless
It is important to note the difference between mass and weight
Although Astronauts may weigh nothing in space and may float freely, the shape and size of their bodies does not change
How much do I weigh without gravity?
This gravitational force between you and the Earth (or any other planet) is called your gravity
Your weight is zero
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However, since weight measures gravity, your weight on Earth will be different than other places in space
Scientists say that the Earth weighs about 6 x 1024 kilograms, or 13 x 1025 pounds
Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet in our Solar System
Because of Jupiter’s mass, you would have more mass on that planet than on any other planet in our Solar System
If you weighed 68 kg on Earth then you would weigh 1607 kg on Jupiter, more than twice your normal weight
How was the mass of the Earth determined?
Because we know the area of the Earth, we can use the Law of Gravitation to calculate the weight of the Earth based on the force of gravity on an object (its weight) on the surface of the Earth, using the radius of the Earth as the distance
What is the weight of the Earth?
Earth is the largest terrestrial (ie rocky) planet in the Solar System and it is also the heaviest planet
No wonder it weighs as much as it does!
The Earth weighs 24 13 septillion pounds
Earth is the most dense planet in the solar system and has a mass of about 5972 × 10^24 kg
Like its density, which increases toward the core, Earth’s mass is not evenly distributed
A History of Earth’s Weight Study
A History of Earth’s Weight Study
Efforts to determine the mass of the planet Earth began in the early 18th century
Henry Cavendish was the first scientist to try to determine the mass of the Earth in 1798
What is the mass of the Earth compared to the Moon?
The mass of the Earth is approximately (4239 / 70) = 606 times the mass of the moon