For years, researchers have been studying the elements to ensure that the laws we use to describe the Universe remain the same – and the complexities of the universe.
To add to the effort, physicists using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are now measuring the heaviest known elements with an unprecedented amount of precision. behavior of all the parts that make up our world – the new calculations come with a much smaller margin of error than before, increasing the confidence of doctors in the actual weight of the particle.
But the issue is not closed – this measurement can only be the beginning of a deeper understanding of how our Universe works. contribute to an important part of our understanding of the Universe.
This partnership is the strongest association of this scale that we have seen in clinical practice. (ScienceAlert) It is also important that the top quark decays.
Once hit by a collision, the top quark can decay through the weak force, decaying into a W boson (and, usually, a bottom quark below). The W boson has been at the center of recent controversy. After years of trying to poke holes in the Model Theory, researchers recently released a compelling breakthrough evidence suggests previous estimates of the mass of the W-boson may be wrong.
If these findings are confirmed further, it will suggest that the entire Medical Model may be wrong. And this is where the top quark comes into play – we can use its mass to make predictions about the Higgs boson and the W boson, so we get the most accurate measurements can be very important.” Surprisingly, our understanding of the stability of our Universe depends on our combined understanding of the Higgs-boson and top-quark masses,” a press release from the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN), which led the study, explained.
“We know that the universe is very close to a metastable state with the current accurate measurements of the top-quark mass.
If the top quark is so different, the universe will become less stable in the long run, possibly disappearing in a violent event like the Big Bang.”
To get a fundamental particle like the top quark, physicists smash together subatomic particles called protons in machines like the Large Hadron Collider.
Each collision results in more particles being spewed out, allowing researchers to study these artifacts. i in a controlled environment.
In this case, the researchers directly measured the group while also making a measurement using other types of data with the underlying theory (in this case it is called its measurement of the pole).
According to the researchers, their new result of 0.12 GeV is more accurate than previous calculations based on the same data, making 172.76 gigaelectron volts (give or take 0.3 giga electronvolt).
This is in line with what we expect in studies based on the Experimental Model, say the CERN researchers. Top quark model with uncertainty (left), and recent measurements (right).
(CMS, LHC, CERN) The improvement in accuracy is thanks to new research methods, which use more variables than before to better handle the uncertainty between measurements. detector in 2016.
CERN researchers studied five different properties of the collision events that produced a pair of top quarks.
The properties they observed depended on the mass of the top quark – and previous studies had only seen three such events.
Although this result in itself is a big step forward for the field of physics, and an unexpected victory for the Experiment, CERN says that we can expect more accuracy if the method is used similar to the data collected by the CMS detector in 2017 and 2018 – not to mention the future, already breaking records to come.
The LHC has just been turned back on after a three-year shutdown, and it’s already breaking records. the smallest part of the Universe.