The 10 Biggest Largemouth Bass Caught on Camera

For many of us, largemouth bass fishing is well past a casual past time.

It’s a passion!

Some (like my wife) say it’s an addiction.

The ultimate quest is landing the largest largemouth bass in the world.

To break the world record may only be a dream, but breaking any big bass record is an adventure worth chasing.

22 pounds, 4 ounces – World Record Largemouth Bass#1 George PerryBiggest Largemouth Bass Ever CaughtTie for All-Tackle World Record Bass – Manabu Kurita#2.

Terry McAbeeState Records for Largemouth BassOther Notable RecordsWorld Record Smallmouth BassDavid HayesWorld Record Striped BassGregory Myerson

22 pounds, 4 ounces – World Record Largemouth Bass

The official world record for largemouth was set on June 2, 1932 by the legend George Perry.

He caught the 22 pound, 4 ounce whopper at Lake Montgomery in South Georgia.

The fish comfortably fed his family of six twice.

#1 George Perry

22 lb 4 oz | June 1932 | Montgomery Lake, Georgia, United States

George Washington Perry Courtesy IGFA

The legend named Geoge Perry caught a 22 pound 4-ounce largemouth bass in June 1932.

It stands as the IGFA record to this day, 90 years later!

On a hot summer day, George was 20 years old when the famous whopper took his bait.

Little did he know that his fish would spawn a billion dollar sport fishing industry.

The reliability of how this fish was documented is another reason why this record stands.

Details of the event are as amazing as the catch.

We know that George was a farm laborer.

It is said that he took the day off to fish because the weather made it too wet for field work.

After getting such a big bass, serendipity struck again.

George learned about a Field and Stream contest that is currently in process.

He brought in his fish and had it officially weighed.

The fish won him the prize, but also secured his place in bass anglers history books to this day!

Largest Largemouth Bass Ever Caught

Tie for All-Tackle World Record Bass – Manabu Kurita

22 lbs 5 oz | July 2009 | Lake Biwa, Japan

Perry’s record.

For 77 years fishermen still chased this large bass world record, as happy as Manabu Kurita was to catch a record largemouth bass, it would not break the world record.

For those of us who want to be logged in the history books, you must have your catch recognized by the International Game Fish Association.

This organization is the authority and keeps record of all things related to fishing.

If it is not IGFA, your record may be tarnished and suspect.

Unfortunately for Mr. Manabu Kurita, the IGFA rules are quite detailed and strict.

The documented rules require that any fish under 25 pounds be at least 2 ounces more than the current record holder.

Not quite a new world record, the girth and weight make it a record fish.

This 1 ounce means that his winning fish does not surpass the 1932 largemouth bass.

Instead, he tied George for the winning World Record.

This amazing bass created waves of talk in Japan and the regional Asian countries.

Meanwhile, in the United States, the legend of the original monster still overshadows everything.

There are only three men on the books for catching a largemouth over 22 pounds.

In just three minutes, Robert caught his whore with lobsters.

Some spoke of Bob being born to break the largemouth record.

Still 4 ounces short, his time could be over.

21 lbs 3 oz | Mar 1980 | Oak View, California

On a day when Ray was teaching other less experienced support, he hooked a 21-pound big fish.

He made a serious impact in the world of bass fishing by getting his largemouth certified over 20 pounds.

21 lbs Mar 1990 | Castaic Lake, California

21 lbs Mar 1990 | Castaic Lake, California

Robert Crupi began his hot streak of largemouth bass catches in 1990.

This giant was the 3rd largest largemouth recorded by the IGFA.

Bob chased his trophy for five days, finally getting a hit to remember.

19 lbs 2 oz | January 1989 | Morena Lake, California

A massive 19 pound 2-ounce largemouth bass caught in the 12-pound test category.

Hanline’s fish landed at Morena Lake in San Diego during the winter.

19 lbs January 1989 | Castaic Lake, California

Dan, an experienced and proven angler, tried his luck one cold winter day.

When he landed a live lobster on the near bottom of Castaic Lake, he landed a trophy winner.

This whopper put southern California on the map as a hot spot for record-breaking largemouths.

17 lbs 1 oz | December 1990 | Castaic Lake, California

Another magazine-worthy largemouth brought in by Bob. Crupi proved that changing baits can produce record catches when his fish are feeding on a herring jig.

A fishing story for the ages, Robert fought his bass for 15 minutes with only 4-pound line class.

17 lbs Mar 2000 | Murray Reservoir, California

Young Cody had a passion for fishing.

Cody wanted to get in some quality fishing before his school day even started.

To his surprise, he landed a record size fish.

16 lbs 12 oz | February 2009 | Castaic Lagoon, California

Larry liked to use flight suits.

A slightly modified minnow fly was all it took to attract a large largemouth, weighing more than 16 pounds.

16 lbs 9 oz | Mar 1998 | Lake Isabella, California

McAbee proudly displays his top 10 World Record largemouth.

Terry caught his certified winner using the regular rubber worm.

Record setters like Terry’s support why some anglers swear by artificial worms for luring lunker largemouth bass.

State Records for Largemouth Bass

Bass fishing has developed into a big business.

We’ve come a long way from the day George Perry won 50 dollars in 1932.

The excitement of watching and participating in competitions can add new elements to a person’s fishing experience.

Earning huge cash prizes as a pro-angular can make a person envious of such a career.

However, capturing a state’s largemouth record is more accessible.

Can you imagine etching your name into the record books?

For passionate anglers, holding a state record is tantamount to becoming a living legend.

What is your current fishing record?

Implementing several bass fishing tips can help you land a big one.

Geary1999New Hampshire10 lbs, 8 oz Lake PotanipoG.

Higbie1987 North Carolina15 lbs, 14 ozPrivate PondWilliam H.

Other notable records

World Record Smallmouth Bass

11 lb 15 oz | July 1955 | Dale Hollow Lake, Tennessee, United States

Mr. Hayes is reported by the IGFA as the world record holder for smallmouth bass.

When a vindictive dockworker reported that engine parts were put into the fish to make it heavier, his title was initially revoked.

At 80, Mr. Hayes lived to see his world title reinstated.

World Record Striped Bass

81 lb 14 oz | August 2011 | Long Island Sound, Westbrook, Connecticut, USA

His innovations and competitive spirit have allowed him to win multiple tournaments and currently holds two world records.

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