The 15 Fattest Animals Ever Seen: A Growing Concern in

Giant Pacific Octopus – This head can weigh up to 600 lbs.

Capybara – This South American rodent can weigh up to 140 pounds.

Polar Bear – These arctic giants can weigh up to 1,500 pounds.

Komodo Dragon – The largest lizard in the world can weigh up to 300 pounds.

Seahorse – This tusked mammal can weigh up to 3,700 pounds.

domeѕtіс cat – The heaviest cat in the world weighs 46 lbs.

Elephant – This marine mammal can weigh up to 8,800 lbs.

Orangutan – These great apes can weigh up to 260 lbs.

American Black Bear – These bears can weigh up to 600 lbs.

Ostrich – These flightless birds can weigh up to 345 lbs.

domeѕtіс dog – The heaviest dog in the world weighed 343 lbs.

Gray ѕeаɩ – This marine mammal can weigh up to 880 lbs.

Anaconda – The heaviest snake in the world weighs 550 lbs.

Beluga Whale – These arctic whales can weigh up to 3,500 lbs.

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