The 6 Most Common Causes of Heavy Legs

Why do my legs feel heavy?

by Deidre 6 Why do my legs feel heavy?

wwwwalkjogrunnet Heavy legs can occur for several reasons, and these conditions can overlap

Many health problems are preventable, but some are inherited and put you at increased risk of developing various diseases

Complications that can cause why your legs feel heavy include peripheral artery disease (PAD), depression, varicose veins, and a number of other conditions that we’ll discuss below

6 Causes of Leg Heaviness Causes of heavy legs can be related to: Peripheral artery disease (PAD) Varicose veins Spinal stenosis Restless legs syndrome Atypical depression Many of these conditions have overlapping risk factors and vary in severity

It is important to remember that if your symptoms do not go away within a week of trying the following home remedies and if they recur frequently, please make an appointment with your primary care provider (PCP)1

Peripheral artery disease Peripheral artery disease (PAD) affects a person’s lower extremities and is accompanied by pain or weakness in the legs that comes on with activity and goes away with rest

apprhsorgPAD is caused by a build-up of plaque in the artery walls that can reduce or cut off blood supply, also known as arteriosclerosis Some of the risk factors for PAD are: Smoking Lack of physical activity Diabetes High blood pressure disorders Chronic kidney disease Stress Lifestyle changes are not simple or easy

So try to include your family in your new routine of exercise, good eating habits, and change

This will help reduce the stress of changing your routine

The veins in your legs are used to return oxygenated blood to the heart

certifiedfootcom With the help of the muscles and valves in your extremities, your blood won’t have problems with this process, but there are several factors that can play a role, such as: Age, weight, sex, pregnancy, family history, standing for long periods of time or Most of these risk factors are based on things that cannot be controlled by the individual

But 30 minutes of active movement can help reduce the appearance and consequences of varicose veins

3 Overtraining Most of us have been in the position of overtraining our leg muscles by trying a new routine or exercise that stresses our legs

However, when it comes to over-exercise, the legs may experience cramping, pain, redness and swelling

The key to reducing overtraining: Build rest into your routine Stay hydrated and eat enough calories Make sure you cross-train Increase your exercise gradually These few steps can help prevent or reduce recovery

Lumbar spinal stenosis affects the lower extremitiespatientpopcom It may be something that makes your legs or feet feel heavy, as well as other symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and burning that may travel from your buttocks to your legs

Causes of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis include: Age Injury Arthritis Other diseases or genetic disorders If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms and your legs feel heavy tracking with PCP

Restless Legs Syndrome Restless Legs Syndrome often has no known cause, but it affects women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and disappears after giving birth, or if a person develops symptoms before the age of 40, it is hereditary is considered

momjunctioncom Some common risk factors and medical conditions that accompany restless leg syndrome include: Age Genital peripheral neuropathy Iron deficiency Kidney failure Spinal cord disease Although restless leg syndrome does not come with life-threatening complications, symptoms can range from mild to severe

Symptoms include: Overeating Feeling heavy in the arms and legs Not taking rejection or criticism well Sleeping too much In any form of depression, it is always important to seek professional help to help you manage your thoughts

And if you feel like you might hurt yourself, go to the nearest emergency room

Home Remedies for Heavy Legs There are some home remedies that can help you get rid of heaviness in your legs

These tools help the muscles and veins to return blood to the heart

And they can help you recover from overtraining

They are: compression socks Elevating your legs above your heart Making sure you get enough sleep at night Exercise/cross-training Don’t sit or stand for long stretches Stretch at a healthy weight Maintain a healthy weight As mentioned above, if your legs are often heavy and the symptoms do not go away within a week, quit smoking Consult your PCP

Some of these conditions can lead to serious and life-changing conditions Learning to listen to your body If your legs are heavy, it can be caused by various conditions

And what relieves the weight on your legs can be as simple as rest, or something as invasive as surgery

Sources: Mayo Clinic Staff, Restless Leg Syndrome, Mayo Clinic Staff, Varicose Veins, Mayo Clinic Staff, Atypical Depression, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, Spinal Stenosis, Org National Health, Lung and Blood Institute, Peri Artery Disease, Most Read Stories Aug 17, 2021 6 Rules for Buying Comfortable High Heels Bursitis Foot Pain: Treatment and Recovery Sep 20, 2021 Epsom Salt Foot Soak and Bath: The Complete Guide Apr 06, 2021 year Best maternity shoes reviewed 2021 best training bra buying guide Most read We all have experience with at least one pair of shoes making a squeaking sound while walking down a quiet aisle at the grocery store

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