“What is the heaviest planet” is said to be one of the stars
Ask questions about space.
Although it can be said that the answer is simple, it is
Can also be a problem for most people to answer.
In this article, we will do that
to give you an overview of this topic that continues to intrigue space explorers
and people interested in learning more about space.
Consider a planet?
To investigate the answer to the question “What is the heaviest planet?”, we must
Explain how scientists are able to “consider” a planet in the first place.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, otherwise known as NASA, “consider
planet, scientists need to know two things: how long it takes
The time it takes an object to orbit a planet depends on its distance from the
The planet and the weight of the planet.”
The heaviest planet according to NASA?
NASA says that Jupiter happens to be the heaviest star in our solar system.
Jupiter, with a mass of 1.90 x 10^27 kg, is said to be two and a half times the total mass of all the other planets in our solar system combined.
To get a clearer picture of the size of Jupiter and liver, we will use an example.
inhabit the earth.
Humans have lived on this planet for billions of people
Part of this planet is covered in water, meaning we’re not completely there yet
inhabiting every corner of this beautiful planet.
Heavy and big like the
Earth, you will find it surprising and amazing to know this
Jupiter has an equivalent mass of about 318 Earth planets.
which is 11.2 times larger than the diameter of the Earth.
The composition and nature of Jupiter are some of the many reasons why it has a low average density.
Unlike some of the other planets, Jupiter has no real surface, meaning that if one were to sit inside the atmosphere where the pressure is equivalent to Earth’s, there would be a gravitational pull of about 2.258 g.
The major planet is Saturn.
About Saturn, like Jupiter, it is said
have a low average density because of its overall composition and nature.
Astronauts have revealed that Saturn is slightly smaller than Jupiter, and it is
Has a mass approximately 95 times greater than Earth.
This star has
It is said to be the only planet in the solar system that is less dense than
“What is the heaviest star” is answered in this blog post and
Based on NASA recommendations, we refer to mass instead of mass
Weight, because mass does not change based on location or time, unlike weight.
Although Jupiter wins this round, the Sun is 1,000 times heavier than Jupiter,
And 300,000 times heavier than Earth!
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