What is the weight of a fake weight?

A fake weight is a weight that looks similar to a realistic weight but is lighter than it looks and easier to lift

Fake weights are commonly used by weightlifters, models, amateurs, and professionals around the world in photo shoots

The reason why they use fake weight is because the photoshoot takes a lot of time and it is not easy to lift the original weight again and again

So, they use fake weights because they are easier to lift and perfect for long photo shoots

But some social media influencers also use fake weight to get more followers and money

The fake weight is no closer to the real weight

So generally, the fake weight actually weighs less than 10% of the original weight

Lifting weights will make lifters face red and even signs like shaking hands and feet can be seen

But the person does not show these signs, it will be very easy to identify if he is a genuine or fake weight lifter

Weight plates generally bend the bar, and if you see the bar doesn’t bend even though the weight is heavy, it will be easy to notice that the weight is fake

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