TweetPin723Share220Share5Flip948 Shares[Updated 7/5/2021] There are numerous beautiful forests in the world, and collectively they cover about one-third of Earth’s total acreage.
These forests provide the oxygen we need to breathe as well as sequester carbon, that confounding climate change catalyst.
Forests also protect our world’s water supply: When they disappear, we inevitably get deserts.
Despite these commonalities, the biggest forests in the world are impressively diverse.
Each offers its own unique combinations of trees and understory plants.
Each is home to a diverse array of animals, fungi, mosses, insects, and people.
These incredible forests produce all sorts of food for us to eat, and provide medicines that have healed humans for centuries.
In other words, forests are really, really cool, which is why so many of us want to explore them when we travel the world.
Here’s a look at 25 of the largest forests in the world, each of which deserves a place on any nature lover’s world travel bucket list!
Forests in South America
The Miombo woodlands cover over 900,000 square miles in central Africa.
They’re home to millions of people, and spread across Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Although the region is dominated by the Miombo tree, there are over 300 other species of trees and 8500+ different types of plants.
Much of this vegetation goes towards feeding an amazing array of wildlife, including Giraffes, Rhinos, Elephants, and grazing Antelope.
Luckily, numerous conservationist and activist groups have worked to protect huge areas of these beautiful forests.
READ MORE: Exploring Tarangire National Park, Tanzania
Congo Basin Forest, Photo courtesy David Holt via flickr CC 2.0
Home to around 40 million people, the largest forest in Africa covers much of the continent’s central region (approximately 1.4 million square miles of it).
Countries located within its vast basin include Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Zambia.
Widely considered to be the planet’s “second lung” (along with the Amazon), the Congo’s forest holds around 8% of the world’s forest-based carbon.
The basin contains many different ecosystems, including several savanna forests, a coastal forest, three large lowland forests, and a swamp forest.
The Congo Basin Forest is home to thousands of unique species of plants and animals.
The diverse array of wildlife species– including Elephants, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Rhinos, and countless others– are beloved around the world, but increasingly endangered.
Historians believe the Congo has been inhabited for over 50,000 years, and there are still indigenous tribes here that live hunter-gatherer lifestyles.
The forest’s thick canopy of trees towers at around 100 feet, and is generally dense with flora.
READ MORE: Trekking with Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda
The Mau Forest of Kenya is one of the biggest forests in East Africa, with an area of 675,000 acres.
It has some of the highest rainfall rates in Kenya, and contains the largest water catchment area in the country.
There are numerous rivers originating from the forest, which then feed large lakes (including Lake Victoria).
This (and human activities such as logging) has led to the deforestation of more than a fourth of the area since 1973.
In 2008, there was a memorable political argument over the forced eviction of peoples in order to preserve the forest.
This would be good for the forest, but there are concerns over the ethics of the evictions, which are still going on in recent years.
READ MORE: Animals in Kenya: A Guide to 40 Species of Kenyan Wildlife
The Cross-Niger Transition Forests of Nigeria cover 8,000 square miles of tropical forest and savanna woodlands.
Now, it is one of the most densely populated areas of Africa and most of the forest has been removed, leaving only grassland.
The main trees in the area are the Afzelia (which is native to Africa and often cultivated for timber) and the Borassus aethiopum palm tree.
There are small areas within the forest that are protected, and they are home to unique animals such as the Sclater’s Guenon (a.k.a. Sclater’s Monkey) and the Crested Chameleon.
The Niger River has traditionally been home to 900+ bird species, Cheetahs, Warthogs, Hippos, Leopards, Lions, Baboons, Elephants & more.
On the northern part of the island of Borneo, Kinubalu National Park encompasses an area of roughly 300 square miles.
Despite being one of the smaller forests on this list, it’s biodiversity and mix of habitats make it a big deal.
Kinabalu National Park is famous for its namesake mountain, which, at 13,435 feet, is the tallest one between New Guinea and the Himalayas.
With elevations ranging from less than 650 feet up to Mount Kinabalu, the park boasts an extremely diverse and distinctive collection of plants and animals, including over 1000 species of orchids.
Habitats in Kinabalu vary from tropical lowlands and hill rainforest to sub-alpine forest, which has an incredible mix of plants found in the Himalayas, Australia, and China.
Though the park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is thus protected, industrial development has begun to threaten it more in recent years.
The world’s biggest mangrove forest, the Sundarbans encompasses around 38,000 square miles of land and water straddling the border of Bangladesh and northern India.
The forest is named after the sundari tree, the most populous in the area.
The forest itself only constitutes about 40% of the area of the Sundarbans: Around 50% of it is water, and the rest is comprised of sand dunes and mudflats.
The Sundarbans National Park was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the late 1980s, and three wildlife sanctuaries set up in the Bangladesh part of the Sundarbans were honored in 1997.
The entire area is considered a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.
This area is famously home to the Bengal Tiger, and is one of the last protected spaces in Bangladesh for them to live.
But the mangrove boasts many other notable animal residents as well, including wild boars, Ganges river dolphins, cobras, Indian pythons, and crocodiles.
It’s also home to over 250 species of birds.
READ MORE: Indian Animals: A Guide to 40 Indian Wildlife Species
Sumatra’s Rainforest, Photo courtesy Andrew H.
Sumatra’s largest rainforest is comprised of three national parks: Gunung Leuser National Park, Kerinci Seblat National Park, and Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park.
Together, they are home to nearly 10,000 square miles of UNESCO-protected forest.
Sumatra’s rainforests house many rare and endangered species.
Noteworthy animals found there include Tigers, Elephants, Orangutans, Clouded Leopards, Sun Bears, and quite a few others.
Additionally, the beautiful forests of Sumatra are still home to numerous nomadic rainforest people who hunt and gather.
Unfortunately, Sumatra’s Rainforest is also among the world’s most endangered forests.
In fact, it represents the most rapidly deforested area in the history of the planet.
Stretching around 930 square miles (over 80% of which is covered in forest) China’s Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve has a rare tropical forest ecosystem that includes plenty of virgin forest.
The site was recognized as a UNESCO International Man and Biosphere Reserve in 1993.
It has more than 50 rare plant species, and there are several endangered animal species, including Asian elephants, Indo-Chinese tigers, and gibbons.
Because the nature reserve is surrounded by mountains, it’s protected from cold north winds and opened to maritime moisture.
READ MORE: Can the Maritime Forest Survive Climate Change?
Daintree Rainforest, Photo courtesy Kimberly Vardeman
The Daintree Rainforest, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in North Queensland, Australia– the continent where forest wildlife goes to get away from it all.
Sprawling across 450 square miles, Daintree is Australia’s oldest forest: It is believed to have survived over 100 million years.
The Daintree River, cutting through the rainforest, is replete with animals, with particular highlight given to the crocs and pythons.
While the Amazonian rainforest may technically have more diverse plant life, Daintree has the greatest number of rare flora of all the beautiful forests on this list.
Another knockout feature of visiting the Daintree Rainforest is that it has the unique characteristic of bordering another UNESCO site, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
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Gondwana Rainforest, photo via Canva
So the name is a reference to the fact that the supercontinent was covered in similar rainforests.
About 2 million people visit the reserves annually, and in 1986 it became a World Heritage Site because of its evolutionary history, geological and biological processes, and biodiversity.
Sadly, the area was so heavily logged that only 1% of the original range of the forests remains in Australia, with bushfires consistently posing more threats.
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New Guinea, Photo courtesy eGuide Travel
At just over a meager 110,000 square miles, the forests of New Guinea are the third-largest tropical forest in the world (after the Amazon and Congo basin).
These beautiful forests are home to many mammals that are completely unique to the island.
Though it’s only one-tenth the size of Australia, New Guinea has just as many species of rainforest plants and animals, including the world’s tiniest parrot and largest pigeon.
Due to the variances in altitude, the country has a huge range of climates, including the world’s only tropical glacier.
The lowland forests are the most diverse, with the tallest canopy.
New Guinea’s montane forest is home to many unusual animals, such as Scott’s Tree Kangaroo and the Cyclops Long-beaked Echidna.
READ MORE: 60 Weird Animals Around the World
Bialowieza National Park, Photo courtesy Frank Vassen via flickr & CC 2.0
Bialowieza Forest is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that straddles Belarus and Poland and claims roughly 1,191 square miles of land, with the official site occupying about half of that area.
It earned its UNESCO distinction for being a rare example of the old growth forests that once stretched across Europe, as well as a vital wildlife corridor.
In terms of animals, this beautiful forest is home to three different packs of Wolves, Bison, Wild Boar, and a variety of rare bird species.
Some of the trees, which include oak, ash, spruce, etc., are over 600 years old.
A source of true pride, especially for Poland, this forest has been under protection since the 1400s.
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Taiga is the Russian name that is used globally for the biggest forest in the world.
The Tiaga Biome is a nearly continuous belt of coniferous forest that stretches through the far northern reaches of Europe, Asia, and North America.
In addition to the biggest, it is also the longest forest in the world covering over 10% of the planet.
Other than oceans, the Tiaga comprises the world’s largest biome.
Though the world’s rainforests would seem to have more biodiversity, the Taiga also offers a host of impressive wildlife.
Perhaps most importantly, these boreal forests of the far north remain truly wild.
Encompassing around 2,300 square miles, Germany’s Black Forest (or Schwarzwald) is only the second largest forest in Germany in terms of surface area.
But its reputation is certainly the biggest on the world stage.
The Black Forest is named for its remarkably dense canopy, which causes it to be very dark at the floor level.
Even so, it is one of the most beloved tourist destinations in Germany, noted for its old world villages and stunning natural beauty.
The forest borders France and Switzerland, and is part of the continental divide, with watersheds draining to the Atlantic and the Black Sea. In terms of mountains, evergreens, streams, and lakes, it doesn’t get much more forest-y than this.
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69% of the country of Sweden is forested, covering over 30 million hectares.
Sweden has the world’s second largest area of land converted to forests, after Russia.
The largest forest in Sweden is Kolmården, which separates the two main agricultural areas in Sweden.
The second largest forest of Sweden is Tylöskog, in Southeast Sweden.
Both are long and wide, densely forested areas.
Forests remain extremely important in Sweden today, as it is one of the main facets of the Swedish economy.
The Virgin Komi Forests– the largest virgin forest in Europe– are located in Russia’s Ural Mountains, expanding across roughly 12,500 square miles.
The Virgin Komi are composed of two Russian wilderness areas, the Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve and Yugyd Va National Park, and were protected as a UNSECO treasure in 1995.
But, because of their United Nations designation as a site of distinction, they warrant a place all their own on the list of the world’s largest forests.
Unfortunately, the forests have become increasingly threatened in recent years by illegal logging and gold mining.
The Great Lakes–St. Lawrence forest is in Canada, south of the boreal forest.
Measuring around 45,000 square miles, it is Canada’s second biggest forest in Ontario.
But it’s only a fraction of the size of the boreal forest.
Ecologically speaking, the area is considered a transition zone between the evergreens (such as spruces, hemlocks, and other conifers) of the boreal forest and the deciduous trees (such as oaks, birches, and maples) of the more southerly forests in the US.
The forest includes predator wildlife, such as Bears and Wolves.
Water-loving mammals like Beavers, Otters, and Muskrats are prevalent as well, as are some 220 species of birds.
Unfortunately, less than 5% of the original forest remains intact, due largely to agriculture and urban development.
As a result, the Saint Lawrence River is considered one of the most polluted in the world, and the forest’s future remains vulnerable.
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In total, it includes over 7,300 square miles of beautiful lakes, rivers, and waterfalls.
At the center of the Lacadon Jungle is the Monte Azules Biosphere Reserve in Chiapas.
Much of the forest outside this reserve has been at least partially damaged.
However, it is still the largest montane rainforest in North America.
Within the jungle, there are several sacred Mayan archeological sites, including Palenque and Bonampak.
The forest includes gigantic trees, such as the Ceiba (Tree of Life for the Mayan People) and Guanacaste, and huge flora, like elephant ears and palms.
Macaws, Monkeys, Jaguars, and Crocodiles all call these woods their home, as do many tropical birds.
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Sequoia Tree National Forest
The huge forests of the Sierra Nevada mountains have to be on this list because they’re home to Sequoias, the biggest trees on the planet.
The 38 groves that comprise the Sequoia National Forest provide shade for about 1865 square miles of wilderness.
A Sequoia named General Sherman is the world’s undisputed largest tree (by volume).
The Sequoia groves are all located in south-central California, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
and King’s Canyon National Parks.
There are coastal redwood forests (the tallest trees on the planet) in California as well.
But those are located along the northern coast, starting just below the Bay Area.
Sequoia and Redwood trees are often mistakenly considered the same, but they are actually distinctly different.
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The Tongass National Forest in southeastern Alaska is the United States’ largest national forest at 26,500 square miles.
The biggest tourist attractions in this forest are its glaciers.
That said, the Tongass also has fantastic wildlife spotting.
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Located in the northern part of Nicaragua, the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve covers nearly 8,500 square miles.
Protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it’s the largest rainforest in Central America and the second largest in the Western hemisphere.
This humid tropical forest canopies over a hilly terrain– an area that includes a biosphere nucleus and a buffer zone.
The forest is believed to be home to up to 200,000 types of insects.
It’s also home to Central America’s two big cats, the Jaguar and Puma, as well as their favorite dinner, Tapirs.
There are two indigenous tribes who live on the reserve, the Sumos and Miskito people, who still practice subsistence farming today.
Overall, the reserve has a total population of about 130,000 people.
READ MORE: Exploring Isla De Ometepe Biosphere Reserve (Nicaragua)
Amazon Rainforest, Photo courtesy CIFOR
Spreading across much of Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, and Suriname, the Amazon Rainforest is the most biodiverse and largest rainforest in the world.
Collectively, there are over a million species accounted for in the dense rainforest vast basin.
And who knows how many more are still waiting to be discovered?
It’s also home to the world’s second longest and largest (by water flow) river.
Unfortunately, deforestation (especially in Brazil) has threatened one of the world’s most famous forests since the beginning of the 20th century.
Yet the Amazon Rainforest basin still immense, stretching over 1200 miles.
The forest is as dense, hot, and potentially dangerous as it is beautiful.
But it’s also a treasure trove of plants and wildlife, such as Rosewood, Jaguar, Manatee, and Brazil Nut. READ MORE: The 20 Longest Rivers in the World (by Continent)
Located along the coastline of Brazil, moving all the way into Paraguay and Argentina, the Atlantic Forest was once over 500,000 square miles.
Unfortunately, only about 15% of the forest– roughly 75,000 square miles– remains intact today.
While that may seem like a lot of forest, the issue is that it is home to some of the rarest species in the world.
The Atlantic Forest has over 2,000 species of animals (not counting insects) and is home to over 60% of Brazil’s threatened animals.
That’s not even getting into the fact that 450-plus tree species– more than all of the North America’s eastern seaboard– have been identified in just 2.5 acres of the Atlantic Forest.
While it may be significantly smaller than the neighboring Amazonian rainforest, the Atlantic Forest is still amongst the world’s largest and most important forests.
Curious Coatimundi at Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica photo by Bret Love & Mary Gabbett
But what is cloud forest?
Sometimes called a water forest, a cloud forest is a tropical or subtropical, mountainous, and moist forest that has persistent low-level cloud cover, usually in the form of fog.
Because of the conditions of these rare forests, there are abundant populations of mosses, lichens, orchids, as well as a large number of Costa Rica animals.
In the Monteverde Cloud Forest, you’ll find over 2,500 plant species, 100 species of mammals, 400 species of birds, 1,200 species of reptiles and amphibians, and thousands of insects.
It’s one of the world’s last remaining habitats that can support all six cat species (Jaguars, Ocelots, Pumas, Oncillas, Margays, and Jaguarundis).
READ MORE: Ecotourism in Costa Rica: The Ultimate Eco Travel Guide
Valdivian Rainforest, Photo courtesy Jason Hollinger
The Valdivian Rainforest is a temperate rainforest in the southern part of South America, between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific coast.
It’s ranked among the world’s most beautiful forests because it is considered a biogeographic island.
That means it’s completely separated from other forests, oceans, and desert borders.
The area is thought to have been inhabited by humans as far back as 12,000 BC.
At almost 100,000 square miles, this massive forest is full of national parks, beaches, rivers, lakes, islands, and hiking trails.
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What is the Largest Forest in the world?
The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world.
It covers approximately 2.2 million square miles.
It covers approximately 2.2 million square miles.
The Taiga is the largest forest in the world and stretches through the far northern reaches of Europe, Asia, and North America.
Where is the Amazon Rainforest located?
The Amazon rainforest reaches across Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, and Suriname.
What is the Biggest Jungle in the world?
This Jungle definition is usually associated with tropical forest or rainforest, which would make the Amazon the biggest jungle in the world.
Where is the Largest Tree in the world?
General Sherman is the world’s largest tree (by volume) and is located in the Sequoia Forest in California.
It is believed to be over 2000 years old, weighing more than 2.5 million pounds and stretching over 275 feet tall.
It is believed to be over 2000 years old, weighing more than 2.5 million pounds and stretching over 275 feet tall.
What is the Biggest North American Forest?
Canada’s Boreal Forest is the biggest.
The Biggest National Forest in America is Tongass which is located in Alaska.
What is the Largest Forest in Asia?
The Sundarbans is the world’s biggest mangrove forest.
It is located in Bangladesh and northern India.
Where is the Biggest Forest in India?
The Biggest Forest in India is located in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
There are 9 National Parks and 35 Wildlife sanctuaries.
World Nomads for Travel Insurance
From providing glorious wildlife sanctuaries to priceless oxygen production, forests have been enhancing the well-being of planet Earth for countless generations.
They help prevent erosion, and keep animal populations balanced while serving as timeless reminders of how beautiful our planet can be.
While forests of every size are important to the health of our planet, sometimes we can’t help but wonder how big they can actually get.
The more expansive forests can cover a surprising amount of square mileage, standing strong as some of the last slices of true wilderness left in our modern world.
Let’s take a look at the 10 largest forests in the world and examine what makes each of them unique.
Sinharaja Forest Reserve
Forest Type: Tropical Lowland Rainforest
Prominent Wildlife: Sri Lanka Crested Drongo and Green Pit Viper
The Sinharaja Forest of Sri Lanka is the last viable stretch of tropical rainforest left in the country.
This rich forested area is home to many different species of endemic wildlife, containing over 50% of Sri Lanka’s endemic butterflies and mammals.
The name of the forest reserve means “Lion Kingdom,” and the forest ecosystem is strongly appreciated by the locals for its biodiversity and importance to the natural balance of the island.
Sinharaja Forest Reserve was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988 in recognition for its living heritage and valuable, rich ecosystems.
Over 154 different species of birds inhabit the Sinharaja Forest, and have been known to travel together in “mixed-species feeding flocks” or “bird waves”.
Mindo-Nambillo Cloud Forest
Forest Type: Cloud Forest
Prominent Wildlife: Quetzals and Basilisks
This sprawling, beautiful forest graces Ecuador as an important ecological site and tourist attraction.
The Mindo Forest area was home to the Yumbo-Nigua people, who settled there before the Incas.
During the present day, this beautiful ecological treasure is a private reserve that strives to protect the many species that live there.
Over 450 different types of birds find sanctuary in the Cloud Forest, as well as a wide variety of orchids.
The butterfly farm known as Mariposario, or Mariposas de Mindo, provides visitors with the opportunity to view and learn about the different butterfly species that inhabit the area.
Kinabalu National Park
Forest Type: Mountain Rainforest
Prominent Wildlife: Proboscis Monkeys and Rhinoceros Beetles
Home to Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain peak in Borneo’s Crocker Range, and the highest in Malaysia, Kinabalu National Park is also Malaysia’s first World Heritage Site.
This astounding forest also provides a habitat for the world’s largest pitcher plant along with over 5,000 other vascular plant species and 1,000 different species of orchids.
This impressive variety of plants has earned Kinabalu National Park its title as the Centre of Plant Diversity in Southeast Asia.
The Kinabalu Rainforest hosts two different varieties of the parasitic Rafflesia flower.
Daintree Forest
Forest Type: Wet Tropics Rainforest
Prominent Wildlife: Saltwater Crocodiles and Southern Cassowaries
As the oldest rainforest in the world, Daintree Forest commands a level of respect that Australian locals are happy to provide in the form of non-invasive tourism.
With special consideration for the well-being and preservation of this ancient rainforest, visitors can appreciate this natural wonder without the use of artificial structures that often interfere with the landscape in tourist areas.
The conservation efforts put towards preserving this forest have paid off, as it now boasts the highest variety of plants and animals of any rainforest worldwide.
This incredible rainforest is so awe-inspiring and otherworldly in its beauty that it served as inspiration for the movie “Avatar”.
Rainforest of Xishuangbanna
Prominent Wildlife: Asian Elephants, Indo-Chinese Tigers, and Green Peacocks
With 13,000 species of tropical plants, including 58 endangered species under state protection, The Rainforest of Xishuangbanna serves as a living museum of impressive flora and fauna.
This forest also provides a platform for the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network to explore the various life forms that make up the different ecosystems of the area.
Conservation efforts also include establishments like monkey and peacock breeding bases alongside study centers.
A variety of gardens further allow visitors to learn about local plants and endangered species.
One of the unique gardens even features trees planted by various celebrities!
A number of primitive villages remain in the Rainforest of Xishuangbanna, coexisting with the natural wildlife and helping to encourage appreciation and respect for the stunning landscape.
Forest Type: Halophytic Mangrove Rainforest
Location: Asia and India
Prominent Wildlife: Bengal Tiger and Water Monitor Lizard
Located in the coastal regions of the Bay of Bengal at the delta region of the Padma, Meghna and Brahmaputra River basins, the massive forest of Sundarbans has been prioritized as a conservation area due to its invaluable biodiversity.
Erosion has increased as a result of deforestation, which kills off important tree roots that keep coastal sands in place.The forest is sensitive to climate change and human interference, and harbors a number of threatened species such as the Bengal Tiger, Estuarine Crocodile, and Indian Python.
While the Sundarban Forest is predominantly known for its massive stretches of Mangroves, it’s also home to rich jungle areas that sprawl inland from the coast.
Location: North America
Prominent Wildlife: Orcas, wolves, and beavers
Covering most of southeast Alaska, Tongass is America’s largest national forest and a true wonder to behold.
Sadly, the size and health of the forest have been negatively impacted by logging and deforestation.
In recent years, many of the forest’s majestic trees have been harvested to process into consumable products.
Roads have acted as another source of controversy alongside logging, with some people embracing them as a way of connected villages and resources, and others expressing concern over the interference with the natural landscape.
Many people would be surprised to hear that this beautiful rainforest exists alongside the tundras that Alaska is better known for.
Despite human interference, Tongass boasts some of the most intact portions of temperate rainforest in the world.
Valdivian Temperate Rainforest
Forest Type: Temperate Rainforest
Forest Type: Temperate Rainforest
Prominent Wildlife: Southern Pudú, Kodkod, and Wild Boars
This glorious temperate rainforest is the only rainforest in South America that also contains glaciers.
The Andean Mountains lie within the Valdivian Temperate Rainforest, and their altitudes present a whole new level of biodiversity.
Above certain heights, the rainforest vegetation gradually shifts into high Andean vegetation that is more compatible with the colder temperatures of the mountain peaks.
The vegetation of this temperate rainforest includes evergreen trees and the endemic Monkey Puzzle Tree, as well as understory vegetation such as bamboos and massive ferns.
The Valdivian Temperate Rainforest is home to a number of fascinating creatures such as the world’s smallest cat, the Kodkod, and the world’s smallest deer, the Southern Pudú.
Congo Rainforest
Forest Type: Tropical Rainforest
Forest Type: Tropical Rainforest
Prominent Wildlife: Leopards, Okapi, and Hippos
With 6,000 different species of trees and 10,000 varieties of animals, the Congo Rainforest is highly regarded as a biodiversity hotspot.
The various wildlife species play an integral role in the development of the forest landscape by controlling the types of vegetation that dominate different areas.
In places where large plant-eaters such as Elephants and Gorillas frequently thin out the shorter foliage by eating, the taller trees are able to grow to towering heights.
As is often the case, the main threat to the Congo Rainforest is humans.
A cocktail of local violence, coal and wood trade, over-hunting, and mining have threatened the forest, though the battle for its preservation continues.
Amazon Rainforest
Amazon Rainforest
Size: 2,300,000 square miles
Size: 2,300,000 square miles
Size: 2,300,000 square miles
Size: 2,300,000 square miles
Size: 2,300,000 square miles
Size: 2,300,000 square miles
Size: 2,300,000 square miles
Size: 2,300,000 square miles
Size: 2,300,000 square miles
Size: 2,300,000 square miles
Forest Type: Broadleaf Rainforest
Location: South America
Location: South America
Location: South America
Prominent Wildlife: Jaguars and Tapirs
The Amazon Rainforest is the largest forest in the world.
On top of being recognized for its size, the Amazon is also acknowledged as being one of the single most important forests in Earth’s global climate.
This awe-inspiring moist broadleaf forest covers the vast majority of the Amazon Basin, and is home to an astounding variety of plant and animal life.
Outstanding species of wildlife include the Capybara, the largest rodent in the world, and the endangered Amazon River Dolphin.
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Did You Know?
Did You Know?
Did You Know?
Did You Know?
Did You Know?
Did You Know?
Did You Know?
The Amazon Rainforest experiences an unexpected connection with the Saharan Desert in Africa.
These dust deposits provide the local flora with important minerals and help the jungle thrive.